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February 23 - Live Feed Updates


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5:09 pm BBT - 5:20

Allison is going on a delusional rant to Sharon about Jen and how she's not good enough for Ryan and thinks that Ryan is actually coming to see this. She's saying how Jen was selfish and didn't consider her or Parker in the game...only herself. She's still going on about how hard it was for her because Ryan and Jen were always spending their time together and how Jen would talk sh*t about her behind her back. Allison concludes that the only reason Ryan must like Jen is because of her exterior. Sharon says how even that isn't that great. Allison says she suspects Jen has an eating disorder because she noticed how Jen didn't eat much for the first 2 days while in the house. The conversation goes on to how fantastic Allison's mom and grandmother look.

But wait...of course it's back to more Jen bashing. Allison is hoping that when they get out of the house, that Ryan's mom sets him straight about how bad Jen is for him. She goes on some more to say how Jen is always ripping Ryan to shreds, and how "adorable" he is because he wanted to know where her epi pen was [ because like any obsessed girl, she's twisting every thing he does to make it seem like he's doing it because he likes her...not because he doesn't want a dead partner in the game ]. She's now saying he hopes he "sees the light" [her no doubt].

During all this.... you hear snoring [ I think it's Josh ].

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6:19 BBT Allison is talking to Sharon and is bad mouthing Jen again and how she doesn't think Jen is that small naturally because Jen eats so much and Allison doesn't think she ate the first few days in the house. Allison says she is all natural. She switches to grandmother, then to Ryan being like a kid. A says that Ryan is her best friend. They get along soooooooo well. Ryan is adorable. (sounds to me like she is still jealous of jen) Then A says that Ryan is with this girl that is just ripped to shreds. (I will be back if new conversations start)

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5:03pm bbt -- allison nd sharon talking and allison is telling sharon that ryan told he if they make it to the finals he was going to propose to Jen .... allison said i think it would be in your best interest to watch the show first.... he doesn't understand how big this racist issue is going to be, it's going to be huge, it's going to be magnified to the millionth degree

allison: poor guy, he just doesnt get it. like whole hearted hes a very good judge of character and he tells me that outside of this house she is a really good person, i asked him to tell me a story of something that she did for you that was selfless something that didn't benefit her and it took him 5 minutes to come up with something and he tells me at christmas time how she bought him some $800 watch and he was only able to buy her a $200 dollar gift and i said to ryan, thats not what i meant, i meant like was tell me a story about how one time she just called you up and said "ryan i am so lucky to have you in my life, i appreciate you in my life, and i'm absolutely like crazy about you, and i cant wait to see you", you know something like that. and he's like "yeah well she tells me that", but he's like so confused ya know, he's like a lost puppy dog (her and sharon laugh) whos' like heading towards the pound and is lost. And she just like fuckin abuses him verbally and tounge lashings contantly...

sharon: cuz she knows he'll take it

allion nodding her head

sharon: cuz she thinks she's the hottest girl

allison: hottest, hottest chick, shes gonna look like shit in 5 years, her wrinkles are going to show, shes just like the most self centered person that i have ever layed eyes on

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5:25 BBT

The cameras move to Sheila and Adam actually having a discussion in the backyard. They're talking about their problems with miscommunication/understanding with little details in the game that has caused them to lose various challenges...like the last hoh where you had to guess what the other person would say they saw themselves as (he did how he sees them).

Sheila explains why she's grouchy with being on slop. Adam says that it's going to get alot worse as the time in the house goes on. She then retracts what she said about the slop, saying they're only on it for 3 more days and then says it's because of her pms... then her lack of sleep... and now it's because she's old and how Adam can't possibly understand this because he doesn't have to go through the aging hormone changes that she, as an older woman, has to endure. "You don't understand how difficult this is for me being in this house with a bunch of people in their 20's.... I'm not making an excuse, it's just basically you know, a huge generation gap. Why do you think I hooked up with Allison? Because she's smart, and she's travelled all over the world."

Adam is saying how diverse he is too (comparing himself to Allison).

Sheila deduces that if she and Adam could just come together as a pair, that they could go far in this game. She says that she knows she hasn't been nice to him, but how he hasn't been nice to her either. While she's trying to be serious and discuss, Adam doesn't seem so enthralled [ but then again, he might, but mumbles half the time so I can't quite make out what the hell he's saying ].

The conversation changes to how hard it was for Sheila to have girlfriends growing up, even now because she's so pretty and all their boyfriends have always wanted to go out with her. She thinks though that Natalie and Amanda genuinely like her. She's trying to comfort Adam, saying how not everyone will like him, but how in time they might, just like it took her time.

She's now telling him it's not all just about him, how she's in this game with him too...how he didn't avoid being on the block by himself, that she must be doing something right too [ ya, don't put a target on yourself like Jen did or acuse ppl of molesting you like Amanda and you should be safe ]. Sheila now goes on the defence saying how she tells ppl that Adam is a good person and how she doesn't always speak ill of him. Again, Adam hasn't been saying much. The conversation in spinning in every direction Sheila feels it should go.

Alex has just approached them and asked what they're doing. Sheila tells them that THEY are just talking...talking about what they would normally do on a Saturday afternoon.

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adam and sheila in the backyard couches

Sheila asks who he wants to go and Adam says Alex and Amanda.

Sheila says thats what I need to hear from you. Between you and I, don't start the fight again.

A: Allright, whatever, you don't know.

Sheila: don't you agree we should shoot for hoh.

Adam agrees.

They are rehashing the rocker/nurse/whatever comp. She picked what she thought he would pick.

S: If we don't get hoh, we're going up. I'm not stupid ok?

A: Ali says they love me.

S: I hope thats true. ALlright thats all we ehave to do is stay off the block.

A: All we have to do is relax.

S: Can you just give me some credit?

A: I've been on slop.

S: You're been on slop for 3 days you make it sound like... (some bickering about that) and then I need Tylenol PM. You don't understand, you age as a female, I have hormones, you have difficulty sleeping, I'm not getting enuf excercise, I'm not making excuses, I'm just telling you, its not a sleeping disorder, nothing to do with the house...

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switch to James, Amanda, Josh in kitchen.

Amanda: They asked what I wanted to say to america

More rehash of the seizure incident, James talking about how scary it was. Amanda says her shirt was drenched. James said she was throwing up.

Amanda: my exbf had a cold really long time, he had a seizure. The injection went to his brain and he got epilepsy, they wouldnt let him drive for 9 months, now he's epileptic.

Amanda says they were in like :::snaps fingers::: had catscan.

They ask if her insurance covers and Chels says yea, first thing they asked for was her insurance card.

They're gonna eat.

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5:42 BBT

Amanda, James, and Chelsia are in the kitchen talking about Amanda's hypoglycemic attack. Amanda is saying how she hopes that BB doesn't show it on tv, but how she suspects they will as they requested she make a statement to America. Amanda tells about a condition her ex bf has where he has to blow his nose every 2 minutes. She then goes back to herself and how quick everything went down. Apparently she had a cat scan because she really did hit her head on the way down. James asks if she has to go back on slop. She says yes. They talk about Allison and how severely allergic she is to the slop and conclude that BB will end up making a special kind of slop just for her.

All the HGs join together in the kitchen to eat dinner. They say how tonight's going to be such a good night. They've laid the food out in a buffet style on the counter so that everyone could take a little bit. They're having tacos [ i wonder how many other updaters now want tacos for dinner too?].

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6:15pm BBT F3- House guest are asked to go outside for lock down. James is saying that him and Chels can share clothes, and how cool that is. Most are outside already. Alex is still trying to get dressed. Their talking about drink out of bowls, and putting salt around the square bowls.

Chels wants to cuddle in blanket, but does want anyone to put feet on it, and not to spill anything on it, she don't like to wash it. Talk goes to Amanda fainting spell.

Alex is showing how he has to cut his belt and make a new hole because he loves belt but it overlapped.

Chels made 1000.00 in 3 hours not sure doing what.. couldn't hear everyone yelling over her

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7:19 pm BBT - They got hats and tacos and a pinata, Chels kicked the pinata and it hit someone in the head... they are excited because there are tattoos in there and they are yelling out all of the tattoo types. Matt is microwaving his margarita so he can 'down those bad boys', Nat says "I'll do whatever you do Matty". Nat asks "Are we supposed to do our strip party after the margaritas?" They are trippin out cuz they think the margaritas are already gone... (they may indeed be gone) Matt yells "Who wants tacos!"

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7:14 BBT The PARTY has started. alot of yelling and everyone trying to get in the glass doors, All HG are in the kitchen putting on sombrero hats. Looks like they will be drink from bowls.. all are lined up to fill up their bowls with Frozen Margaritas. They also got some sort of food, but can not tell what it is. Alex is hanging a pinyata (spelling). Looks like they broke it already, and are going crazy over candy, tatoo's and the little kids toys (party favors for kids). There is a table with lots of food. The machine is empty already, but they must be on a time limit, because someone said they would watch the time, and be the time person. They can't believe the margarita machine is empty. *(duh- there are how many- and they filled the big square bowls- Dawn)* Someone is spooning out the liquid out of machine... It's Nati. They are wondering if there is any alcohol in it. Amanda and Ali are not allowed to drink, (most likey due to yesterdays medical events, and being on meds- Dawn).

NAti has a rainbow tatoo and has Ali putting it on her Ass. (EWW...Dawn) A big red heart tatoo... Now Chels has her pants down around her legs with her ass hnging out.. I guess she is waiting for someone to put tatoo on... (Any takers ???- Not me!)

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7:20 om BBT

Wearing their sombreros and decorative leis the HGs begin their Margaritta party that they agreed upon during the last HOH. They're sipping their drinks from bowls that they've added their names to. Natalie asks if they're going to do their strip party and they agree to do it once they're drunk. BB has also given them tatoos to put on eachother, so naturally Amanda places on on Natalie's ass.

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7:28pm BBT Wow BB only gave them an hour.. 15 minutes down, and 45 to go. The machine is putting out more frozen drink. Everyone is getting into the tatoo thing. Amanda get her on the Arm can't see what it is. They have on plastic Bling.. LOL Looks like everyone is having a great time, yelling, laughing, and eating, drinking.. trying to drink fast, getting brain freeze..


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7:35 pm BBT - Josh is still getting margarita out of the machine. They are putting on tats/ Alex is thrilled that there is lipstick. He is putting on lipstick on the ladies. Chels found blue lipstick. She put it on she asks who wants to make out with her (looks like she is oxygen deprived). Sharon is being very very quiet, hasn't said a word, I don't see James at all, Matty has on lipstick, Nat asks if she can kiss him on the cheek, he says no, she says come ooooooooon. He says no so she says she will respect that. James just came down butt ass naked with a sombrero on his privates and came down and kissed Alli!

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7:43 pm BBT - Josh just took off his pants and is stripping, Nat just took off her bra and is wearing the sombrero on her tatas. Rehashing Allis nudity this evening when the towel dropped.

7:46 pm BBT - one of the guys says "lets see Mrs. Penthouse" then everyone starts banging on the table chanting sheila, sheila, sheila.... she said that was 25 years ago, that is not going to happy

7:48 pm BBT - Sharon looks very uncomfortable! Nat is going to do a strip tease on the table... they are taunting her to do it... Chels is going to do a tease too...

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7:37pm BBT There is so much going on it is hard to following and get the whole conversation. they did find some play lipstick things that turns your lips another color.. Some kissed each other, but was typing and did not see who.

James is in his Birthday suit, covering himself with his hat. Nat asked him to put on a cock ring (it is a braclett . Matt says something to her, and she said gotta get some kissing some how.. FOTH

When feeds come back, Nat has hat over her boobs, and is undo her top.. maybe strip show has started.

Chels burped like a man would. Sheila said she would like to go out and see her drink beer.

Less than 30 min left for party. Some our getting drunk already. (could be a wild night- Dawn)

All cheering for shelia to do penthouse.. Shelia said that was 25 years ago.

Nat getting her dress back on.

Discuss how and where to do strip dance.. and the guys want dollar bills, but decide they will use the toys from pinta. Nat said- they will change clothes to do dance.. wanna drink as much as possible in the next few minutes.

I got a headache from all the yelling.. taking a break. * ( My updates stink anyways* - Dawn)

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7:50 pm BBT - Alli just put a heart tattoo on her nether-region... she showed everyone, the cameras caught it too

7:54 pm BBT - Chels and Nat are going to put tats on their nipples... Alli jumped up to volunteer to do it!

7:55 pm BBT - They got the first happy face on her nipple... hilarious! They are showing Nats nips on the camera... these gals are wild!

7:58 pm BBT - Chels is getting tats on hers now...

7:59 pm BBT - Chels tats keep ripping.... Sharon looks very uncomfortable... poor thing

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8:00 pm BBT - Nat got on the lazy susan on the table and they were spinning her and then they were playing a game of throw objects from the pinata in Nats shirt... BB got on and said Natalie Stop That! They are buzzed.

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The Hgs are all outside. Some are eating the food from the party. Alex is talking in a silly voice.

sex talk

Amanda LOVES giving blow jobs.. Ali isn't sure.. Sheila loves it all..

Someone asks "even anal?" S: i'm not talking about this on tv!

Amanda: I had a dream you (sheila) and adam had sex

S: a dream!? that would be a NIGHTMARE!!

Now the HGs are talking about sex and having sex dreams.

everyone (including amanda) laughing about josh's blowup at amanda

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8:47 pm BBT

MAtt tells Natalie that he doesn't think it's attractive when she shows her body to everyone. Natalie calls him out and says he's a hypocrite because he has no problem "wiping off his balls" in front of everyone. His response, "just because I do it, doesn't mean I have to be attracted to others who do it". He then goes on to say how he's never put down her personality and said how he thinks she's great. Natalie storms off and goes to pack, telling the girls in the room that she doesn't care anymore and to just vote her off.

Matt sends Allison in the house to go check on Natalie and make sure she's okay. Natalie says how she's just sick of it...how Matt treats everyone in the house better than he does her. She's now going on about how she can't peck him or anything because of how Matt always pulls away...even though he said he confided in BB how he thought she was his soul mate. Natalie goes on a rampage, saying how Matt can't handle if she shows ppl her shit, meanwhile he has slept with ppl in the thousands.

Allison is filling Natalie's head with how adorable her and Matt would be together if Matt wasn't on a power trip and how he's just being a typical guy by being jealous. She said, "even if a guy doesn't want you, he doesn't want anyone else to have you either."

The girls :Allison, Amanda, and Chelsia are convincing Natalie to call Matt out. He says he doesn't want to get into a relationship, yet he's kissed her. The girls think she should call him out in front of the other guys. They're telling her how he can't be hurting her. Natalie deduces that they were obviously meant to meet. She didn't plan on meeting anyone or developing feelings for someone, but thinks that they were obviously paired up for a reason. She doesn't see why they can't play the game and still be attracted to eachother. The girls are upset because Matt has been telling everyone that he and Natalie haven't made out, though they knew all along that he was lying.

After pumping her up, the girls all leave the bedroom to watch Natalie call Matt out. Matt stops her in the hallway and asks if he could talk to her. He said he's her partner and wants to talk alone. She said I want to talk to you in front of everyone. She calls him out. He tells her that he's sorry to do this out in the open and doesn't want to get into it. She said, "people need to know because the guys all think that I am the one after you, but you're the one kissing me and acting like you like me." Matt quickly says, "I don't want to have drama on tv ok. I'll agree with everything you're saying okay. You're right. I'm wrong. Okay?" Matt confesses, "I'll say it then. I would have sex with you. I am attracted to you. But I don't want to have feelings for someone in this house."

Natalie has heard the words she wanted to hear, but still continues to argue. Matt thinks he's going to end up going home now because of this. Natalie is still going on about how Matt is mean to her in the house and makes her chase her around. Matt's apologizing, asking her to sit down, but she's saying she doesn't want to because she's mad.

Everyone has gathered in the living room. They're all sitting on the couches except for Matt whose going through the roles. "I'm the asshole" (Matt), Sheila's the mom....

Matt continues to Natalie, "I'm sorry. I am sorry if I have been mean to you. I am having a particularly hard time being away from home. When I'm with the boys I can just chill out and relax. But when I'm alone with you I think and I miss them. I have a lot of shit going on." Natalie keeps interrupting him. He tells her to just shut up and let him finish. He goes on to say, "out of the girls in the house, you are genuinely one of the nicest people I have ever met. You are too good for me.... If I have been mean to you I am sorry. I came here with my tail between my legs to genuinely apologize to you. If I take my shit out on you I'm sorry sweety it's not what I mean to do." He goes on to remind her how he's the one who took care of her the other night when she was sick.

Natalie is still getting mad because they never seem to talk so Matt suggests they schedule a time, 12:30 to meet and chat. She didn't find this amusing. She still says how he's the meanest to her in the house. He asks, "did I not just come in here...i don't ever want to make you cry sweetheart." He's explaining how he did apologize but she doesn't think it's fair that he takes out his problems outside the BB house on her now. Natalie is wanting them to have conversations. Matt says he could rhyme off so many details about her to prove he does listen. She said she just wants normal conversations like the ones he has with the guys and doesn't always want to be the one to go up to him to start one.

They continue, going in circles. Matt tells her to not go out of her way to give him a taste of his own medicine, to just ignore her next time. He then proclaims, "I'm going to make it my personal vendetta to go out of my way to be nice to you." He touches his chest and says, "is this the heart, from here I am sorry okay." Natalie still goes on and says how mean he's been for the last 16 days. He responds, "16 days you make it sound like 16 years!"

btw... it's now 9:30pm in the BB house. They've been repeating themselves for the last 30 min now.

It does seem to be calming down...now that Matt said (again) he's going to go out of his way to be nice to her. He said he's going to make her breakfast in bed tomorrow even though he doesn't know how to cook. Joshuah chimes in how they all see Natalie as a delicate flower and they all just don't want to see her getting her. Matt understands the rest of the house always gets to see nice Matty, but only she is the one who always sees negative Matty. Matt goes on to say (again) how Natalie is the nicest person and how he couldn't have asked for a better partner and likes how competitive she is.

It's now Natalie's turn to talk. She's talking about never getting the chance to talk. Matt says, "you're right. She's right. Can I have a hug?" They hug. The houseguests clap. Matt says, "next on Jerry Springer..."

Matt then begins to dig himself a hole...[omg quit when you're ahead Matt!!] " I just want to say I would have sex with you. I would have sex with every girl in the house because you're all so fucking hott...including that girl in the Diary Room"

Chelsia says how that's not fair because he's sending mixed messages to Natalie because he did want to kiss Natalie in the beginning. He admitts that. He said he would have sex with her but isn't attracted to her like that. How he can't be and they need be like brother and sister [ apparently the kind that's into incest].

James adds his two cents telling Matt that he needs to just talk chill with Natalie and how even now he's being loud and acting like it's a show and they're the audience. Matt explains how he's not the one who chose to do it out in the open like that. Chelsia adds how Matt needs to make sure there's nothing left for Natalie to say. Matt and Natalie finally go to talk alone.

Matt tells Natalie that she's his boy. "I'm not your boy!" she snaps back. "When I say boy, I mean my friend."

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