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Go there and download the new real 11 program. Install it completely.

When done there are settings earlier in this thread you must set. Once that's done try the feeds again.

You can also follow the instructions to creating shortcuts on your desktop if you like.

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This is really annoying...

We have cable internet, but I can't watch anything above the lowest quality or it's impossible to watch..

Any ideas on how to make this.. well.. better?


Figured it out! Thanks to directions earlier in the thread!

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speaking of Real Player.. is anyone else having problems with it crashing?? If this keeps up when BB starts.. :animated_shocking:

I sure wish cbs would switch to media player or something.. real player sucks!! always has. Thank you for letting me vent LOL

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I have never had a problem with real player.. but this yr.. all it does is communicate or load constantly.. but when there is music and trivia up it runs fine.. It is making it impossible to watch.. and I'm getting so frustrated.. I'm missing so much because of it... grrrrr

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