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July 14th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest angelich

Eric's talking about how he's going to put up Michael and how Michael will come back at him. Ivette and James were talking with him about it.

Janelle and either Michael or Howie are in the gold room for the week it seems

Rachel is washing all the bedding cause someone was sick (her or one of the guys) and Beau is washing clothes.

Janelle and Howie were talking about how Janelle was upset she lost.

Kayar and Maggie were making food (sushi?)

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Guest angelich

April fed the fish, Howie called them Sarah's fish

Eric's stressing about nominations tonight.

Everyone making food... veggie cheese is a topic...

James "funked" up the bathroom and Ivette and Beau were complaining/teasing

April and Ivette talking in the chairs near the bathroom... whispers and mumbles can't hear much. Said something about "him" not feeling safe. James joins convo

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Guest angelich

James, Ivette and April talking about putting the person coming up... and then James talking about how they should use the veto not put him up first.

Ivette, April and Beau talking about how Michael said. Saying how his sarcasm and jokes are insulting and stuff.

Ivette asking for ice cream and cookies.

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Guest Jewelsx19

Eric is talking to James and Rachel, about the upcoming nominations, he says he needs to put Micheal up no matter what and Janelle, but everyone must vote for Micheal. Eric is worried about Micheal flipping out and James comes up with the idea to just tell Micheal that they are using him as a pawn, and vote him off anyways.

They say if by chance Micheal gets Veto, then they are putting up Kaysar.

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Guest angelich

April and Janelle talking and smoking outside. Mostly in silence. Janelle still talking about the HOH comp. and April glad Janelle showed their "blonde power"

April says Eric doesn't want to talk about the game tonight.

Ugh... sound of fish blocked out the rest of the convo

now there's sound, Kaysar joins A and J at the table. joins them for a smoke

Fish keep breaking in

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Guest Jewelsx19

Janelle and April talking in the yard, keep getting fish! :twisted:

Kaysar joins, bums a smoke off Janelle and FISH AGAIN!

Talk about BB setting up a luxury Comp for tomorrow.

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Guest dark_fairy

rachel and magging are folding laundry, and talking about how much they need cleaning supplies.

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Guest dark_fairy

eric is telling ivette and maggie that he is going to put up janelle and mike and tell mike he is the pawn but really he is going to go, IF mike gets veto eric will put up kaysar.

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Guest dark_fairy

april and magging outside talking,

april: just tell me

mag: i cant

(not sure what they are talking about)

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April is saying Janelle was telling her that Eric is threatning her (April) if she votes against him.

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April says Eric needs to talk to MIke into throwing the POV

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