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Spears Family Album Of Trash


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Did you mean it when you said, you like to see people have a meltdown? Has a loved on of yours ever had one?

Yes, I especially like to see egotistical celebrities go crazy, but I also enjoyed Lorena's meltdown on this season's Amazing Race. And to answer your second question, I'm the crazy one in my family and have gone completely over the edge on many occasions. I'm on meds now and can laugh about how nuts I really am.

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idk but i think britney is an attention whore all thse trips to mental ward is nothing but pr stunt

kinda like her verion of a sex tape

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Court papers: 'Manager' bullied Spears

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent

A restraining order against the man who's been at Britney Spears' side during her downward spiral portrays him as a Svengali figure who held her a virtual hostage in her home, drugged her, took over her finances and controlled the ravenous paparazzi "like a general."

The order against 33-year-old Sam Lutfi was based on a lengthy declaration from Spears' mother, Lynne, who says they met in October 2007, when he "essentially moved into Britney's home and has purported to take control of her life, home and finances."

Lynne Spears' account of a long, chaotic night at Britney's home depicted a drugged and confused pop star being led around by Lutfi, who was setting up pictures for the paparazzi even as she was spinning out of control.

The documents released by the court Tuesday ordered Lutfi to stay away from Spears, her homes, her parents and siblings' homes and the hospital where she is confined for psychiatric evaluation.

On Monday, Lutfi told The Associated Press in a text message: "I have no problems with anyone writing anything negative against me. My image is not of concern, hers is." He has not responded to further inquiry.

Lynne Spears said in the order that Lutfi "drugged Britney, he has cut Britney's home phone lines and removed her cell phone chargers. He yells at her. He claims to control everything

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I think she has manic episodes, and the British accent is all a part of that. I also think the quickie marriages are part of it.

I read Call Me Anna, which is Patty Duke's biography. She suffers from manic depression, and the similarities are very striking.

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At first I thought she was doing all the crazy stuff for attention, but now it looks like she really is "crazy"....I now feel sorry for her. I hope somebody can help her before its too late!


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I know it must suck to be apart of the Spears clan because everyone looks down on them because Britney had a rough couple of years and Jamie Lynn got pregnant. I think people need to realize that sometimes people make mistakes and they get tired...even if they are celebrities.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Britney with two boys on the cover of NY post...looks pretty normal to me.

NY Post writes " Britney Spears, looking "pleasy" instead of sleazy in OK! magazine" the article says she wants the boys to avoid show biz and hopes they have a "normal childhood."

For starters Britney, try keeping them off covers of magazines and newspapers for normalcy - it's a start.

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