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Big Brother 9 Commercial!


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I am so excited! I just saw the ad for Bb last night during Survivor! It will be weird to see Bb while there is still snow on the ground. I wonder if they will still have their summer season still or if this is the only season of the year.

I guess this is due to the writers strike. I wonder what the other networks are going to come up with!

Anyway I am just really excited!

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I am excited too... I just hope we will see a season in the summer too... You know, it's really going to be strange though not to see them sunbathing and swimming or does it not get too cold there?

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WOW !! Thanks Dream...that commercial really got me reved up about the new season.

Yana, I checked weather.com and found that the average high temp in LA in Feb & March is 70 with lows in the 50's. We may see some sunbathing and hot tubbing.

Los Angeles, CA Weather Facts

On average, the warmest month is August.

The highest recorded temperature was 112

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I've been sayin' for along time that the weather won't be that cold. I've been in LA in January when it was 80 degrees. They always have a hot tub on BB. They still can have one in Feb. I use my hot tub more in the winter than any other time. :pixiedust:

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I must say I am sooooo happy I check here regularly. I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! Only bad part is that I will be in school and should be focusing on classes. It will be really hard to do with BIG BROTHER on!!!!


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