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Bb9 Still Airing 3 Times A Week


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CBS late Monday unveiled its "revised programming schedule" for January and February, and the highlights include return dates for Jericho


CBS Announces February Return for 'Big Brother' and 'Survivor'

December 3, 2007

It's the news you've been waiting for Big Brother fans. CBS announced today that Big Brother 9 will premiere on Tuesday, February 12 at 9pm ET/PT. Like past Big Brothers, Big Brother 9 will air three times a week, but unlike previous summer installments, this latest Big Brother will air Tuesdays (at 8pm), Wednesdays (at 9pm) and on Sundays (at 9pm). The Wednesday premiere will be February 13, and the Sunday premiere February 17. CBS also announced the premiere date for season 16 of Survivor. The long running reality series will debut Thursday, February 7 at its usual 8pm ET/PT time slot. No word on the location for Survivor 16.

This Big Brother news is big on a number of fronts and, not to take away from Big Brother fans, it's most significant as a sign that the writers' strike is nowhere near ending. At the very least, it shows CBS's lack of confidence in an imminent resolution. Three hours is a significant portion of prime time real estate, especially for a network that performs as well in the ratings as CBS does. As for Big Brother fans, the prospect of two seasons virtually back to back has to be salivating. Big Brother is a great little franchise to have during a strike, and I'm sure CBS is just fine with their situation relative to the other networks.

Survivor 16's premiere date is no surprise, but there are sure to be some big announcements regarding the series soon. There have been rumors flying about for months that the next season of Survivor would be another all-star edition. Chances are this is the case. More rumors have stated that Survivor 16 would be staying in China because the Survivor team loved working on the current season so much. I doubt that rumor is true. Also, Jeff Probst's contract is up after Survivor 16 and it could be his last.

-Oscar Dahl, BuddyTV Senior Writer

Image Courtesy of CBS


AWESOME!!!!!!!!! i was hopin 4 some more BB but thats okay 2 me! i wonder how the schdule will go and if we will have realplayer & after Dark on showtime again?


I can't wait!!!!!! :animated_bouncy::pixiedust:


According to the CBS website BB9 will air Tuesdays at 9/8c, Wednesdays and Sundays at 8/7c. Survivor (#16) will be on Thursdays at 8/7c.


Hmmm should be intersting Since it is premiering on a Tuesday I wonder if eviction will be tuesdays, Noms on Wed, and POV and Ceremony on Sunday?


Good news for BB, I hope there is an afterdark since I never cancelled Showtime.....oh I guess I still will get the live feeds since I never cancelled the real player.......yeah I know there was a thread telling me to make sure I did it. I kept saying I will get around to it (just what they want people to do).


Those times are wrong. According to the CBS front page it will air at 9/8c on Tuesdays and at 8/7c on Wednesdays and Sundays.


:party_smilie: That's good news, I'm already running out of shows.

I still wonder if this is an extra edition, or a replacement :animated_scratchchin: I would rather have the summer one, but if we only get one a year, I guess I'll take what I can get.


The best news to come out because of the Writers Strike!!!!! I'm so happy I can not wait for February!!!!!!



They still plan to air it in the summer according to that article - so would they opt for a finale in May and then the premiere of BB10 in July?

Although I worry how the extra series at relatively short notice may impact on their creative ideas, it's pretty much good news for BBUSA IMO - even if it doesn't lead to a regular in-season slot, it should at least win a few new fans to carry through to the summer.


If they still plan on airing a summer BB that will be great! I can't wait!!!! How much do the live feeds cost? I don't know if I dare get them......I remember when they were free, I didn't get much done around the house....lol

If they do Show2....I hope its better than what we got to see last time. JMHO :pixiedust:

Although I worry how the extra series at relatively short notice may impact on their creative ideas,

Well look how much time they had between season 7 amd 8 and the lame "creative" ideas they came up with.


it will same as always in creative as they have no writers(they never did) just Alison & producers, but i hopin for 5 days but 3 is ok weird with tues/wend right in a row i hope we get livefeeds & ShowToo we need it!


TCS Wrote:

How much do the live feeds cost?

I think it about $30 for the season. I can't believe you have never watched the feeds!!! That's where you get the see the real good stuff. It can eat up a lot of time. I watch it at work and as mostly as background noise, and then pay closer attention when something good starts happening. It kind of relaxing to listen to the chat about things.

I loved watching Showtime 2. Better quality than the feeds.


I love showetime 2 as well!!


If you have a TiVo, you don't have to stay up late watching. Although I tend to stay up that late anyway.

I am now officially todays top poster with 7 posts. Where are all The Others..... :animated_bouncy:


We're all in bed sleeping...LOL

I am also excited for BB to start.Perfect early B-Day present to me.And with Jericho coming back on , I am about ready to pass out with excitement. :party_smilie:


Oh no! Live Feeds means no sleep again! I've had the feeds the last 4 seasons and it really is fun but I'm not sure hubby will be happy about a winter version! LOL


I took a trip to Pennsylvania and came back and read this. I should have stayed in PA


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