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July 12th Live Feed Coverage

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dont these people know to wash their hands after they use the bathroom, I did't even give a second thought to washing when she got done.

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Eric: they should have given us lizards[instead of the fish]... or roaches, you can't kill those!

Ivette: what did they do with the lizards from season 3?

E: Ebay!

they discuss having monkeys as pets in the house, just some oh yeas while making breakfast...


Eric tells of making oatmeal, not much water, then add egg(whites?), it gets loose again, then add protien mix...

April thinks Eric looks like Bruce Willis... others say Van Disel... Ivette says it's a compliment, they are both hot

Eric gets on Ivette for her oatmeal... James says that a husband and wife... says her oatmeal looks like a good night of drinking...



Ashlea is up now also, joining the others in the kitchen... talk of movies and Jamie Foxx(sp?)... Ivette and James both talk of having seen him in Miami/South Beach... Ivette says he's never with body guards, walks down Lincoln road... James started a story about him in a club with tons of body guards though...

E: his grand mother raised him...

I: what? she raped him? [lol, nothing like an obvious misheard word]

James: your parents ever use a belt on you, and snap it so you hear it coming...

E: I wouldn't use violence... but I spank my kids

talk of kids/disipline, state laws regarding spanking...

James tells story as child threatening his mom to call police of child abuse, mom said ok and I'll tell them about parent abuse and he got scared [lol]

Eric says in military, they can hold up a card and drill instructor can't do anything, it's called a stress card

James says that's why he stopped teaching elementary school and taught high school instead[anyone thinking high school students show more respect than younger should know he's not a real teacher now lol]

talk turns to cough supressant... Maggie started telling a story about a new product related to stopping coughs, was joking but had some of the others going


Sarah is up, April tells her about the fishie issues...

[time for lunch here, I need to start bringing my lunch so I don't have to miss anything! lol]


Eric was lifting weights and when he went to put the weight bar down he smashed his finger. Maggie was all over him making sure he was okay. He was acting all tough like it was no big deal but kept walking around cussing and saying how much it hurts.


Rachel and Maggie talking in the BY. Wondering what will happen with the live show. Wondering when she will have to move out of the HOH room. Then talking about cleaing the house.

Maggie and Rachel are talking about who they want in the final five. Rachel says she isnt sure but she likes. Maggie Eric April Ivette Howie.


Jennifer just did a little "dance" for Rachel and Maggie and they cheer. The other HG's were not watching and want her to do it again.


Rachel said she always wanted to be a Bronco's Cheer Leader. Someone asked if Jennifer was a stripper. :lol:



[i'm back!]

some HGs are outside exercising... Eric/James doing weights, April, Ivette, Jennifer and Sarah walking... Howie is outside also

Eric just did an exersize, leaning over and lifting weights free handed... Ivette says she can do that... they discuss betting if she can, but debate the weight and number of reps... she calls him a 'trunk', then they all talk about style/how high pants should be on your waist..

I:Cappy, you remind me of my brother, he's short but muscular

A: watch me outrun all these smoke-phobes

I: April's going to lose a lung to BB6

talk of HOH competition involving walking/running for a long time

[interesting how game strategy isn't an issue and everyone is friendly during morning workouts]


April/Rachel taking a break on the patio

A: I say the Lord's Prayer at night to relax me

R: or a long show


Rachel/April talk about shots they got recently(some to get on BB), and talk about female cramping... Rachel debates taking a shower before laying out... maybe, maybe not

April has remembered to stay on the pill, thought she'd forget but 'I've remembered every day'


A: there will be a lock down once everyone gets up, because of the fish

A: (softly to Rachel) Michael said there's been a lot of stuff going on the last few days, we just need to be friends... you need to throw the HOH and let me win, so then I can throw you all out(she puts her fingers together and does an evil laugh to mimic Michael)

more talk of losing weight...

E: you lose weight from the outside in...

A: before I came here, my doctor said to sit up and tighten my stomach, and I could start to feel it...

E: what's the first thing to go... you lose it in your face first...

A: what are you doing Eric, rear darts?

E: rear delts... that's what you are doing, smoking darts... it's getting hot, I'm sweating like a stuck pig


April is working her legs, Eric instructing her

April shares with Eric, because he's married, that a certain piece of gym equipment gets her sexually excited

E: ok, I didn't need to know that! And don't do those here

April has laid down on the work out bench, is joking about 'working out' while laying...

Sarah is doing sprints across the grass....

Maggie and Rachel discuss the POV challenge, Rachel says 'we worked together, we tried'


exercise time is over... time to sit on the patio, or shower and lay out.. others still aren't up...

Rachel and Maggie talk of health issues... Kaysar's asthma, someone's respirtory problem... Ivette is back to do a set on her arms, asks Cappy to help...


A: The HOH camera doesn't have sound, just picture... but Rachel says she hasn't learned anything, but when someone says they know nothing...

mention of Nic 6 finger plan last season and getting Michael out... if we have to go to Mexico or, we want to be around people we enjoy being around...

Sarah: we are sweating like a pig!


M: they put you down as a horse breader?

R: yea [must not be her 'real' job]

Sarah's grandma is 103


Maggie: isn't it odd how we can put our animals to sleep, but not when a family member has cancer?

Jennifer: they all blow their cover, talking about streets and people they know... only person I got to talk with was Dan... I went in the closet and called my mom... asked where the zip lock bags were and... didn't want that to be the last time I talked to her...

Jen: I'm ready to have babies, forget the pill!

Maggie: who do you want to be the final 5?

R: you and me and Eric, April, I like Ivette, I like Howie, who have I missed... that's kind of our little group, there's a lot of nice people here... would I like to be here, absolutely

M: I'd like you to be here.. we could compete.. it's not personal

R: we had a great strategy, the fact you were willing to give that to me, to take it

M: I don't know who, who else to pick

R: I thought about it[POV teammate], Eric, because he is so strong, competitive, my second was you...

Jennifer comes over and agrees to show off some dance routine steps for Rachel/Maggie... they cheer her but Jennifer says she's out of shape.

[i tried to start up software to capture video, sorry, I'll have to get better at this lol]

Maggie says she wants her hair cut shorter so she can put it in ponytails instead of wearing it up all day


BB announces an outside lockdown... Rachel complains about 'her' being in the room still


They are in Lockdown and are all outdoors eating just talking about different uninteresting stuff. Nothing to report.



everyone running around like ants, getting up, getting food, heading outside for the LD, HGs tease Howie about BB chastising him for his mic... Howie, please stop (insert gross activity by Howie during the last 24 hours)

lots of video of HGs eating on the patio...

discussion of personal trainers/pay rates at gyms... story started and we got fish for about 10 seconds...

April says they need to take the fish out... Ivette says the fish are stressed out because people are standing in front of the tank, and they feel compelled to perform... we get fish again [is talk of fish stressing them out also? lol]

Back and it's talk of what's for dinner, and talk of a movie, Eric heard it was soooo funny...


April: we can't do Happy Birthday, I already asked about that...

Ivette: we'll come up with our own birthday song

James: that's why restaurants always do other songs for someone's birthday

They talk who would be what if they had a birthday party... a clown... Eric says he'd be the midget... talk of fear of clowns...

they see a pair of shoes, wonder who they belong to...

(Howie/Janelle have paired up in the backyard) [i sense Janelle is starting to warm up to Howie's ways]


talk of restaurants and yelling out orders... Dennys, IHop, Waffle House...

[yesterday was 40th anniversary of 7-11 slurpee, just wanted to throw that in myself]

guys talk of cars, Eric rented one to come to Calif... girls talking of Greece, Ivette has a relative there[or from there, quad feeds you can hear all mics, I don't remember it being that way 2 yrs ago when I had feeds?]

Eric talking about car, super bee with huge fin on the back.... someone likes the new charger... Eric likes old muscle cars... someone was cruising and saw someone working on a car[didn't hear the type] Eric asked if it had hideaway lights[vette?] stopped to look at it, engine was so clean you could eat off it


girls talking about Mary Lou Retton and Nancy Kerigan... girls naming the 96 Olympic gymnast team... Amy Chow, that's right Ivette... Ivette felt bad for Michelle Quan... now trying to think of Rumanian coach... [you can do it! from 96]... Bella Correlli(sp?) Maggie thinks there was a movie about him and Nadia....

Eric asks if Nadia was first to get a perfect 10 [i remember that too!] more Olympic talk... Sasha Coen... Michael Phelps.... they liked him...


[lol I'm with you James] Eric realizes James is still bugged by Doug Flutie...

guys agree Bo Jackson would have been one of the best ever if he didn't get injured


still talking about nothing much so I'm logging out which means something good will happen. Be back later.



guys talk about USA basketball dreamteam... Eric says it was a different game then, the team was unselfish...

Ivette said she is a big fan of reality tv!

girls convo turns to unsolved crimes... Jon Bonet... Ivette thinks her parents did it.. Eric thinks parents were/are invovled, something was going down, ransom or something, and it went bad... and fish...

at 12:20...

and back in under a minute...

Eric says so many walked thru crime sceen in first 24 hours... he can't do that as a paramedic... relatives were walking in and out... and fish again...

at 12:21... back again...

to Michael sounding like he was telling story about tv reinactment shows...

Maggie mentions Waa-co... Ivette corrects her, Way-co...

still talking about crime cases... Eric mentions Stewart case in Boston...

fish again for 20 seconds or so...

April and Janelle are off to the side now, April folding towels and Janelle smoking


Eric back to the Boston case... when he was 19 or 20...

April, Janelle discussing when menopause starts... guess is around 45

Eric talking about another case... and fish again...


April, Janelle laying in the shady part of the grass

someone mentions a guy coating his house with bleach... and we get fish...


The HGs are still on outdoor lockdown. Everyone is gathered around the table talking about murder and executions. April and Janelle are away from the crowd laying out...they are talking about medical clinics and teaching instutions.


April and Michael are talking about "The Passion of the Christ" she said she didn't like it...


They are checking the fishtank. Maggie said "They raped it" Seems they took out more fish and Sarah said it look like the are replacing them

We get FoTH :evil:


12:32 we are back...

Eric says Texas is the state to be in... they excute more in one year than all other states... discussion of desert and swamps of Alligator Alley in Florida... Ivette hates it there... Eric asks where it is... Maggie asks if it's full of alligators... Ivette says you can pull over and see alligators, but you can't find a bathroom for 45 miles... she gets Howie to confirm...


Ivette went on an airboat, found out alligator can jump out of the water the length of their body... Maggie went on mission trip to Lousiana bayou... thinks manatees are cute... has seen them in San Diego zoo with cuts on their back

Ashlea says in highschool if you didn't have a car you'd have a jet ski to go to friends house...

Maggie asks if they said we are free to roam the house...

Ivette explains the alligator jumping thing again... Maggie asks what they push against to get that high...

April is looking at the house, questioning an escape route out the top...

Howie talking about being in a raft with two knives... what would happen if he was Steve Irwin... 3 episodes and it'd be over [lol]


[why are they so active outside, except when there is a LD, then they seem to think they have to just sit around?]

April: you understand 90% of our lockdowns are because of the fish.. so you'd think they'd...

Ivette flew from Orlando... flight from Miami was quick... asking about flight from Vegas...

talk of air travel, time to fly and actual time in the air...


Beau resting on Aprils hip, Michael standing near them

April asking if they watched last Apprentice...

others discussing kids with toys, cd, video games at the diner table...

and how minivans have players for each kid...

Eric only watches Red Sox on tv... only gets sports games for kids videogames...

talk of violent video games...


BB announced lockdown was over awhile back, everyone finally getting up and going back in to check on fish... think the tank floor was raked... 3 sick fish are gone... someone(Ashlea?) called to the DR... fish again(to let us see also?)

Guest ranster627

:!: :wink: mod pick up point! carry on and keep up the good work everyone!

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