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Daniele's Interview


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I thought it might be nice to have a place to talk about the interview... A place to talk about the questions, answers, the way the interview went, things that you wished you had asked, etc.

You can do that here, but be warned, you can state your opinion of what has been said in the interview, but do not bash or bait or flame another poster...

The interview can be found here: http://www.mortystv.com/big_brother_interviews.shtml

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I was very impressed with the way she answered all the questions. She is just like I thought she would be. A very honest yet private person.

I was very happy to hear about her and her dad.

I wish her tons of success in anything she decides to do.

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Great interview Yana, I really think she is way more down to earth than people gave her credit for. As far as the Good People comment, I think out of Nicks mouth it was different, I think he was like syaing he wanted someone who was not a raving idiot to win and he would help them, Amber just latched onto that thought and ran with it, she just ran it into the ground like there really was a split between good and BAD, I do not think for one minute that Amber and Nicks comments meant the same thing at all!!!!

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That was a swell interview Yana, keep up the good work.

She comes off as a level headed young lady and has good insight into her family dynamics. I hope she pursues the photography, I was impressed by the photos in her journal. Good luck in the future, Daniele.

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Hey I kind of thought that Dani would want to meet up with Kail. She had a hard time with guilt feelings about promising Kail she would not evict her. She did her best to get Eric out that week but Dustin flipped on her and Kail left. It was so nice she got to visit Rainbow Oregon.

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Nah, fatcat. I think Nick and Amber meant the same thing. Nick called the people in the MRA alliance plus Jen bad people (that would be Mike, Kail, Zach, and Jen). I don't think any of them except for Jen can be classified as a raving idiot (i'm a Jen fan so that's hard for me to say that). Nick, I believe, is the one responsible for Amber's constant mention of the good people/bad people comments.

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I do remember Nick talking to Amber saying she was one of the good people and he would help her get to the end because she deserved to win. I am sure he doesn't think that now.

It was Amber that took the "GOOD" people and ran with it. She used that term all the friggin time. So I think it turned into Amber's mantra.

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It was a awesome interview.

Daniele is a class act I really can't believe she is only 21.

It was great watching her and Dicks relationship go from rock bottom to the love and caring they had in the end. Her and her dad were in my opinion the most real people in the house.

I really hope some big time director or producer gets her on the silver screen because she is truly dynamic, I started calling D&D the Dynamic Duo in week 5 on the boards hoping it would catch on. I compare her with Michelle Pfeiffer because I just recently saw Michelle in an old film The Hollywood Knights and instantly thought of Dani. With her looks and intelligence Daniele really could be an A list actress.

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