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Is Big Brother Rigged?


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I agree with everything Justme said in this thread. Perhaps rigged is not the best word to use in this situation.

Is Big Brother Rigged?

It depends on your definition of "rigged." Did BB8 have a way for the producers to find out who America loved on the show? Why, yes. Did BB8 have a way to help (indirectly, of course) said HG to stay on the show? Why, yes. Was it guaranteed that said HG would stay on the show. Well, no. Did the editors give Dick and good edit on the show? Why, yes!

So the show may not have been rigged per se, but it was definitely manipulated to achieve the highest ratings possible based on the American people!!

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:party_smilie: riggedy, jiggedy, biggedy, bobbedy, bibbedy, boo! :party_smilie:

Sorry, had to get that silliness out of my system.

Good points, BigMDGirl...

And... I can't help but think there was a little bit of assistance by the producers to push things along... I mean, several HGs complained about being pressured in the DR (this is nothing new, but it seems like the extent to which it was done this season was far greater), several cases of borderline or outright abusive behavior were given a pass, outright admitted cheating was not dealt with, and then there is the whole question of whether or not there could have been cheating in the Final HOH. Oh, and let's not forget that it was really unclear how this whole AP vote count thing even worked... no QC on the online voting. (Were they allowing more than ten votes? Who knows! How were they tabulated? Heck if I know! You know where I'm going with this, right?) Gee, the list goes on and on!

This whole season is suspect to me. Rigged? Maybe not. Suspect, definitely so!

ETA: I don't know why I am tempted to quote copygodd from MSR here, Francis, but I just wanted to say... I missed you loads too! In my pants!

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I agree with your points, Space. Suspect, yeah, that's the word to use!! BUT, (this is where we may differ in opinion) if the game were not "rigged/suspect", I don't know if I would have liked it as much. I started out just watching prime time, then started watching Showtime after about a month and then signed up for live feeds soon after that...I was ADDICTED (I called it my BB crack). I have to admit, a big part of it was to see what Dick was going to do (and to see Jessica and Eric--awwwww). So, I think it was ok to have it rigged (if it was). Is that bad?

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I think my problem with this season was just the heavy handedness of it all... I think that there was some bit of pushing in seasons past, but there is just something about this season that just stinks!!! :mad1:

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Mod note: Cleaned up of OT posts.


The title of this is, "Is Big Brother Rigged?" All posts that are OT (off-topic) will be deleted and/or edited to eliminate OT comments.

Also, it is against Morty's guidelines to spam a thread. I think at this point, if you are a regular poster, the posts of rigged/not rigged in big letters (or little letters) is getting out of hand. Either contribute to the discussion or move on.


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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll now... isn't that interesting? The producers flat out tell Eric he CANNOT use the veto and then also tell him if he doesn't toe the line that he'll be kicked out of the house.


Yeah, the show certainly wasn't rigged.


ETA... thanks for the link, Mendes... VERY interesting!

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some of it is believable and some not. eric is a slimy weasel and is good at twisting things around. he sat in that house and talked crap for 3 months... i dont know how jess does it.. listening to his garbage.

game wise, jessica didnt deserve to make it to final 2. she let eric make all her choices for her. I doubt BB would ever give america the choice "should Eric remain in the house or leave"... i could see them using the contract he signed and any money he made so far as leverage though.

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