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Is Big Brother Rigged?


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I have seen all those theories all over the forums. To me it just looks like stuff made by people that are sore losers. :outfitted_pirate:

Anyone could have won any of those comps at any given time. They could have voted however they wanted. I don't think people gave up thier opportunity to win the game so Dick could win. :lol:


Well, yath, I always did enjoy the show, it just made me madder this season than it did in the past. ;)


Games can, and are, often fixed for ratings, whether some of you choose to believe it or not. If this was one single thing that was questionable throughout the game, sure, but there's been so much (ignored cheating, permitted abuse, the blue ball, the so-called "America's" player, and much, much more). Doesn't take a rocket scientist before it becomes evident it was stacked in Dickhead's favour. After numerous questionable incidents (again and again and yet again), it eventually points to one conclusion.

Games are often fixed for ratings -- it's just that bb does it so poorly, it makes it obvious. Take the love-blinders off and look at the big picture.

I'm sure if solid, no-doubt-whatsoever evidence were to arise and posted here, some of you would still not believe Dick's a cheater or was carried to the end (even when he admitted he cheats himself). Love Dickwad and his abusive ways and childish tatics all you want, doesn't mean he won fairly.


Remember in season 4 when a player was taken out of the game before the season started because they called home (having contact with the outside world) Because they found out their ex was going in. Yet Dcik had contact from the outside world and nothing happened, and him and Dani admitted they knew eachother were coming into the house

Different rules for different fools I guess.

Yet Dcik had contact from the outside world and nothing happened, and him and Dani admitted they knew eachother were coming into the house

No rules broken. Joe and Dustin admitted they knew each other was going in.


Not saying a rule was broken about them knowing but they kick a guy off before the show started for having contact witht he outside world but let Dick get away with it. And pointing out it was silly to kick him out because he knew his ex was going to be there and they didnt care that DnD and i guess now JnD knew about each other.

Like I said different rules for different fools


season 4... the guy that got sent home before the show started.... he got caught "trying" to call his girlfriend. he didnt have an ex on the show.(i never heard that anyways) he just wanted to talk to his girlfriend before going into the house and it was while he was in the hotel in sequester.

dick said he text messaged daniele when he got the call to be on BB... but this is before he was sequestered (as soon as they are sequestered, they have no cell phones no internet, no phone, no communication) as far as i know, daniele didnt communicate back to him. did she ever say so? i am guessing there was no punishment because a) it was before sequester B) they found out after they had been in the house for however many days it had been.. a little to late to be kicking them out.

i keep thinking about last year for allstars... none of them were suppose to have communications before going into the house. they knew who was on the list to be voted to go into the house and that the viewers would get to vote half of them in and then BB would put the other half in. but all the time in between they were not suppose to communicate. YET, we all know they did. side deals started way before people entered the house, yet nobody was kicked out for breaking the rules then. last year the rules were broken all summer long, and nobody was punished.


Oh so it was an even more stupid reason he was kicked off. he just wanted to talk to his girlfriend. Didnt try to get information about the game.


Getting coached by Chill Town in your eyes would be wrong too?

To me not any of it is a big deal.


correct! and... AND... the call didnt even go through.. he didnt even talk to his girlfriend!!!!!! let that be a lesson to all future house guest!

Different rules for different fools I guess.

That has got to be one of the best quotable quotes I've seen here. Too funny! :giggle:


Um no not the same thing unless Jen was getting coached while in the house.

Was she?

besides she said they never really coached her and hardly even knew Boogie.


Oooooooh geeeeeeeez :lipsrsealed2:

Chilltown marketed her Jensa Jen bla bla tee shirts.

And ya know what? I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

And how would that equate to getting information while in the house??

I am so confused

I'm confused too. The letter from Vincent did not say anything and I don't even think Dick thought he was trying to tell him anything. Eric and his brother talked about a code but niked the idea. The impression that I got from Dick is that it was all just talk and more of a joke.

Dick did not get ANY information while in the house. :outfitted_pirate:


Hmm his son must have been lieing when he said they indeed mastered the plan before he went into the house, but Dick didnt have it all quite right.

I still dont know how Jen being "coached" before ever going into the house is the same as getting outside info while in the house

to each their own though


i think anyone with a known association to "chilltown" should be automatically disqualified.

but thats just me.

The impression that I got from Dick is that it was all just talk and more of a joke.


Doesn't sound like a joke to me.

And Vincent admitted there were cheat-codes in the letter, but Dick read them wrong. Just because Dickwad was too stupid to remember the prearranged code, doesn't mean it isn't cheating.

Keep spinning it all you like. A cheats a cheat.



It so totally sounds like something they joked about and there is NOTHING in that letter that told him anything. Just like Eric said he and his brother joked about a code. Nothing came of any of it.


Well I can see that this can go on forever...... and ever and ever and ever. :dork:

Let's just say I disagree with your spin on the HG.


I wish I could understand all the hate for Dick.

Seems the hate for Dick is all consuming.

I didn't hate anyone on BB 8. There were some I didn't care for but hate is such a harsh word.

How can anyone hate a person they don't even know? I don't have to justify why I liked him. I just did.

I enjoyed Dick on BB8 and find no need to defend that.

How can anyone hate a person they don't even know? I don't have to justify why I liked him. I just did. I enjoyed Dick on BB8 and find no need to defend that.
I guess one could ask how someone could like someone they dont know. :animated_scratchchin:
I wish I could understand all the hate for Dick.

Seems the hate for Dick is all consuming.

I didn't hate anyone on BB 8. There were some I didn't care for but hate is such a harsh word.

How can anyone hate a person they don't even know? I don't have to justify why I liked him. I just did.

I enjoyed Dick on BB8 and find no need to defend that.

I wish I could understand why a thoughtful discussion about possible cheating and posters stating opinions is considered "hate."

I only time I read the word hate in recent posts in this thread is in your posts.

If someone does hate him, I don't see why they should justify that and how could anyone "like" someone they don't even know too!

I'm sorry if I offend you but your post is full of contradictions and double standards. Maybe posters should just be permitted to talk about the thread topic without being called out every other post.

As for Dick, yes I agree...all the answers were the same as Zach, cards put up after Zach put his up except for the deciding answer.


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