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Eric - Evicted Day 69


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Jem - I just wet my pants. :animated_rotfl:


onandonandon,lol, off to watch survivor, hey that eric pic was great!!!!

well, this is everyone elses fault cause I've ended up looking for links and all that crap. I found this...

Funny and he cuts his toenails with his teeth . Not a good guy for a girl to DFK :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:


Not being allowed to use the veto is bull----. His assignment was to nominate Amber, if he won the veto, they should have a mechanism set up . "If Eric wins the veto, use it on 1, 2 or 3 not use it. If that's the case then BB was rigged, because they could have prepared for that circumstance. Of Eric could be lying, which isn't out of the question either.


Eric is now one of my friends on My Space. Gotta keep an eye on him....... :outfitted_pirate:


DB, you are too much!!! Eric chose to be AP, therefore, Eric chose to do what America wanted, which was to help the Donatos (which I loved!!)

Oh, and that clip of Eric, too funny!!!

Back to ERIC......He confirmed in his interview with Jessica that he was not allowed to use the veto, even if he had wanted to do so.

Did Eric ever say how much of America*'s Player Twist he knew before accepting the job? I know once they offered, it was either agree or not be on the show, but not being able to use the veto! Yikes! Maybe that's why he always seemed so bad at them.


DB you crack me up. Always a good thing to keep humor on the board. We all need to take time out and laugh.

Big Brother is over and it was quite a year. Don't think they will ever do America's Player again but I think Eric did a really good job of it.



Eric did as well as he could under the circumstances.


Eric said in his interview that he never knew if he passed or failed a task. He didn't speak to Jessica for a day, but he had already failed. That just doesn't seem right.


I agree with you there Francis, BB could have at least let him know whether he passed or failed a task. Would have saved him some grief.


Even if BB didn't tell Eric he knew. I remember him looking at the camera after he completed a task & saying cha-ching $30K (I think it was at $30K?) on the feeds one night. We all thought he hadn't completed that many tasks but he had.


He said he won $30G but it was really less at the time he said it. He said in the interview he never knew if he completed his task. I think he was guesstimating and never knew for sure.


Sorry, but I just can't see Eric as some victim in all this. He won $40,000. There is no guarantee he would have won anything, but BB gave him a guarantee when they signed him on as AP. BB is an opportunity of a lifetime. It's not a right. He earned his money doing AP and he seems to appreciate it to some degree.


i demand a recount! i insist there are more dead horses than what people are saying! eric has killed a few himself! i just know it.

and who eats boogers while being taped??? cameras are everywhere and he eats a booger? bet he wishes he was a dead horse... but instead, he is just a horses *ss! heeee hawwwwww! sFun_ridinghorse.gif


I think Eric did a good job as Americans player, I am just not sure how much the producers played in the whole game. BB has become a little over produced for me.


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