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Jessica And Eric Are Trying To Get On The Amazing Race


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That would acutally be interesting. Taking the best CBS reality show teams and throwing them on the Amazing Race. Dani/Dick, Eric/Jess, Boogie/Will, and I can't remember any survivor ones, but it would be cool.

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Julie asked D&D if they were going on TAR. Please, no. At least Eric and Jessica would make a far better team than the D's would--

Dick in a race? Ha! He'd waste all his energy cursing, smoking, coughing, spitting, spewing, and bashing all the other players. Wouldn't be a problem, though, since CBS would most likely give him a plane ticket and make everyone else walk.

Dani would want someone to carry her (even to the plane) and whine the whole time. "I'm soooo tiiiiired...this suuuucks...when are we theeeeere, I just wanna go hoooome...I'm soooo fruuuuustrated. This is stuuuu-pid. You don't even KNOW!"

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Luckily Dani probably couldn't stand to be with her Dad that long again! She's far more likely to enter with Nick and at least he doesn't spit! LOL!

As for Jess and Eric, he can't ride a bike, he doesn't seem to have a sense of balance and he isn't that athletic and Jess would oversleep! Ha ha!

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I feel a great spawn off thread... What would your ideal past Big Brother HGs teams be for the Amazing Race?


1- Janelle and Dr. Will

2- Nicole and Hardy

3- Jason and Daniele

4- Kaysar and Mike

5- Jase and Scott

6- the twins

7- Diane and Drew

8- Jack and Erika (even though I can't stand her)

9- Lisa and Eric

10- Dave and Michelle

11- Marcellas and Amy ( I think they'd be funny )

Editing to add: I also think a Dustin/Joe team would be fun to watch. I'm willing to swap my current #11 to replace it with them.

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i don't think dani would whine the whole time. she's probably complain sometimes...most contestants i've seen on there do sometimes, some more than others. tar is one of my favorite shows...but i think it's very different than big brother...much more active and tactical, much less mental and plotting and introspective. i found dani to be a good clutch competitor on bb, so i think she'd do well. did julie REALLY say that to them? they were actually asked? because i thought i was listening, and i didn't hear that. i think jess would do well, and no offense, but i feel that eric would be a disaster at physical stuff, diving for clues, climbing walls, etc....but maybe he'd surprise me.

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Oh please, you people are trying to say she will complain,

complain, complain, like that is all she knows how to do .

Come on ! I think she has the strength and will power to do it.

She is very competitive and Julie even asked her if she wanted to

do it, so I'm thinking CBS is thinking about it. I'd rather see her and Nick

go on the amazing race together, though .

It would be interesting to see Jess and Eric, and Nick and Daniele have to

play against eachother though. Even though.. Jess doesn't really stand a

chance with Eric on her team, bwaha.

Oh and I can't believe Jessica started this petition..

Fans have started Nick and Danieles .

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Who said she doesn't have the strength to compete? Or that she's not capable? That's different from "will give Amber a run for her money with her whining." It's her nature to whine and be a snob.

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I got the feeling that Nick and Dani will not last. Watching Nick in interviews it seems like he has reservations about Dick and Danis behavior. I'm sure he will give Dani a shot but I would not be surprised if 6 months from now they are not together. Maybe he is realizing if she cheats on her BF once she will cheat on him as well.

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I definitely think that it would be great if Eric and Jess were on TAR. They're fun to watch. They don't argue a lot or whine--they have fun with the tasks they have to do. I'd enjoy watching them.

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