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So Who Is All Trying Out For Big Brother 9?


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We know there will be a BB9 from the ratings this year and the showtime..so the question is who is going to try out for BB9? I turn 21 in June and it would be amazing to be picked. I know the odds are against most of us but I'm still hoping for the best. Who's with me? And anyone that has tried out tell your stories and your experience.

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My daughter and a co worker of mine asked me if I would go on the show ... I told them I probably wouldn't b/c I know for sure I would be a person that I am normally not in real life ... I know for a fact I would portray myself as a lying, backstabbing flirt ... LOL ... But it would be a lot of fun acting like a person that is totally not myself...

So nope I won't be trying out ...

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me i give it a shot :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I wouldn't try fof BB, although I enjoy watching the train wresck. They only cast 1 or 2 intelligent people a year, so they can manipulate the other 12 or 13 abject idiots and morons. So while you Donato lovers would be trying out for 13 casting spots, people like me would only have a chance as the only thinking person in the house. I calculated the odds (which is what Eric should have done when he had the Veto, and Zach should have done 1 week before he declared war on the white trash couple.) and it's just not worth the effort.

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I agree Crys2101. I think this season of BB with all the manipulation from the producers will cause a number of would-be applicants to think twice. Before this season, you could assume that if you were selected you had an equal chance as everyone else for the most part. This season, though, shows that most of the houseguests had an unequal and disadvantaged chance from the get-go.

An interview I read with Kail confirms that she felt she got screwed over by this season's production (AP and all). I'm interested to see if others feel the same way.

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He talked to all 22 people who showed up. He didnt really give advice, just be yourself, I guess I wasnt myself enough, since I didnt get picked.

Most of the fat ugly girls and fat ugly gay guy (me) wanted to know about Drew. He said he is closest to Drew out of everyone from the show. He said they always text each other. (I didnt believe him). Other than that he said the other people hes close to are from other seasons, not his. I didnt catch who, by then he was already boring me.

OK, for real, it was pretty neat meeting him.

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I'd love to go on. But I think I'd prob get a bad rep. Becuase if someone pissed me off or did me wrong...I'd go to yelling and cussing them out. LMAO!

People on the boards would talk shit about my upbringing....I'd be trash...Blah ....blah...blah....

Seriously though. I always stick up for myself.

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the thing with bb is only weirdos regular folks has a chance to make it on the show with the current casting team eg. ambers

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Wasn't there a reality show on fox like the one Zach is supposedly pitching. Where the guys all wore masks. I don't think it lasted a season. All the female contestants are engaged?? Huh?

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I would love to be on BB and see how I would do but 3 months is a long time to be away from your job. I don't think giving up my job for the show would be worth it and I don't think my bosses would give me that much time off either. Not to mention what do you do about where you live and your other bills if your single and live alone. At least if your married you have someone taking care of those things while your away but just like in some of the houseguest this year some will have no place to go or have to turn things back on because things weren't getting paid while they were gone. You give up alot which explains why so many younger people who don't really have careers yet are on the show.

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