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Rules Of The Big Brother Game


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You know what? If I was a police officer called to the scene of crime and find out that it was because someone had iced tea dumped on their head, I'd be PI$$ED.

Get over it, life is not always sunshine and rainbows. You get iced tea dumped on your head. That sucks, sure. It was embarassing, sure. But MG, do you really think someone should be arrested? Do you really want our police officers to be out arresting a vicious iced tea villan, or would you prefer they're out helpingn with a REAL crime? How would you all feel if some kidnapper gets away because the officer closest to the scene was trying to put the big bad iced tea villan in jail? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You know what? If I was a police officer called to the scene of crime and find out that it was because someone had iced tea dumped on their head, I'd be PI$$ED.

Get over it, life is not always sunshine and rainbows. You get iced tea dumped on your head. That sucks, sure. It was embarassing, sure. But MG, do you really think someone should be arrested? Do you really want our police officers to be out arresting a vicious iced tea villan, or would you prefer they're out helpingn with a REAL crime? How would you all feel if some kidnapper gets away because the officer closest to the scene was trying to put the big bad iced tea villan in jail?

ITA - Very well said. I cant believe this is still such a big deal!!! He never physically hurt anyone, all you haters and just looking for something bad now. Sorry they made it to the final 2 lets move on, besides do you really think a judge would listen to any case like this?? Please it would be thrown out of court, there are much more important things to worry about!


Well, the iced tea incident may or may not be enough to hold up in court on its own -- a lawyer would have to consult Jen on that issue. But I think if you married that incident with all the verbal abuse (lots of videos floating around of that -- no problem in the evidence department if needed), along with all the THREATS from Sick-Dick, they'd have a pretty strong case.

You don't spew threats and scream abuse at people, just because you've learned something personal about them and you're in a reality game. You don't threaten to kill or rape someone until they bleed to death (on tape, no less), nor threaten to strangle them, and it shouldn't (and wouldn't) be taken lightly by the courts, game or no game.

I personally don't give a crap if it was for strategy or otherwise, nor do I believe it was simply strategy. I think Dicky has a volatile temper that can easily lead to physical abuse (and may very well have in the past), and it definitely, as we've seen many, many times, leads to verbal abuse.

The Donato lovers can defend him to the end, put a spin on all the things that Dick has done and gotten away with, make excuses, say it's how he plays the game -- go ahead -- but unless the judge is a huge Big Brother fan and has been cheering for the Donatos all summer, it's doubtful he wouldn't take Dick's abusive actions quite seriously.

But hey, it's likely the hgs who received Dick's lashings will do nothing. Their choice, afterall. It'll just be one more thing to add to the long list of what Dick's already gotten away with.


Ok if y'all really want to get technical. I personally do not believe Dick has such a volatile temper, that he would physically abuse or kill or maim someone. Come on now, let's get real. In the cig incident for example....if that went to court :animated_rotfl: do you realize jen too could be charged with assualt. No seriously saw it happen. If person A is trying to walk away or tell person B to leave and person B continues to "push the buttons" sorry both could be charged. Seen it happen. Plus Jen also layed hands on Dick and in the justice system that too is assault. In other words jen charges dick with assualt, dick charges jen with destruction of property and assault and so on and snd so on...judge goes home laughing to his wife that she won't believe the case he had to hear today :rolleyes4:

Now I am truly saying this "tongue in cheek" and it is my opinion, but I know there has been a million times when I have said I'm going to kill my dear husband, then I turn aroung and joking tell everybody they can't repeat that in court. Uttering threats, we have all done it in anger, and our justice system would be so bogged down the real criminals would be running Big Brother.

Actually I believe that a few posters have uttered threats to Dick....and can you believe it they put in writing to ...well you now what that means in court :giljotiini: ,

Have a good day everyone, you will all have someone new to hate in a year :)

If person A is trying to walk away or tell person B to leave and person B continues to "push the buttons" sorry both could be charged

Your exactly right, especially in California.

example; If a woman hits her husband after he's hit her, everyone is going to jail. There isn't any of that "He hit me first so I defended myself." Everyone who was involved in a physical confrontation is going to jail.


Oh my gosh!!!! I just had a thought. :o Do you think that is why all the houseguests this year have said the line in the sand is drawn instead of the true blue old throwing someone under the bus saying. Yep they don't want to be charged with uttering a threat of personal violence. I betcha that's it :animated_shocking:

Gosh, I just love when I can make myself laugh lalallalala skip di do :dance2:


I find it very interesting that the other houseguests, including Jen, don't seem to hate Dick as much as he's hated by some viewers. Jen slept in the same room as him until she was evicted...not the actions of a woman who lived in fear of rape or a violent assault. Jen obviously didn't like Dick, but I never thought she was all that afraid of him, especially not when she went toe to toe with him and his cigarette. If she really felt threatened, the producers were obligated to deal with the situation. The houseguests have a right to feel safe, and if they don't, they have cause to demand a person be removed. Didn't they remove Justin for the knife incident and Scott for throwing stuff around?

I think if Dick wins the money, it will show (again) that the houseguests don't hate Dick as much as some people want him to be hated. None of us here lived with him for 2 1/2 months, and yet the people who did, could quite possibly give him $500K. Dani fought hard in competitions, she could deserve the money. Oddly enough, it sounds like that jury STILL thought Dick was the better player, even with his rotten verbal assaults.

Even with a "lesser of two evils" scenerio, isn't it odd that the jury - Dick's housemates - might give him the money? Shouldn't they hate him and never want to give him anything more than 2nd place? Interesting.


I think Dick probably is the dickhead that he appeared to be on the show. Didn't his bestest buddies say not long into the show when Dick was harrassing Jen mostly that this was the real Dick. I think Dick's attitude is probably most of his problems with Danielle. Do I think Danielle hated her dad so much and BB brought them back together NO!!! I think that was all part of thier game plan from the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if Dick know Allison or someone on the production crew and knew that it was going to be an "enemy" show and they is when they came up with a good plan. Do I think Danielle thinks her Dad is an idiot probably what kid doesn't. But in the words of Dick's friends what you saw was what you get inside and outside the house. Even criminals can be sensitive at times people.

So will there be any HGs suing anyone?

Every reality show contract has a clause about this. They won't be allowed to sue anyone in production, or another house guest about anything that happened during the show.


I pretty much thought that is the case because after the first season of Survivor one of the players tried to sue the production company. I can only imagine that HGs of BB sign a contract that has been well reviewed by CBS.

Jen slept in the same room as him until she was evicted...not the actions of a woman who lived in fear of rape or a violent assault. Jen obviously didn't like Dick, but I never thought she was all that afraid of him

But don't women who are victims of domestic abuse often drop the charges and allow their abuser back into their homes and beds? Just because Jen didn't change rooms doesn't mean she wasn't afraid of what Dick might someday do. I think she was afraid that really pushing for Dick's eviction with the producers could jeopardize her chances to win the game. The houseguests obviously knew how partial the producers were!


Can Dick sue Jen because she threw away his cig? LOL

I doubt Jen was scared of Dick with big brother always watching.jmho


I'm sure there's a no suring clause somewhere in the contract, but they may have breached the contract with the twist. It would really depend on having a crafty attorney look at it. As many stupid things this production & executive team have done, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a small loophole.

As much as Dick commented that he was justas good as Dr. Will, I would love to hear Will's reaction. If I were Will, i would be rather insulted.


Yes, some abuse victims tend to return to their abusers, but somehow I don't see Jen as that type, especially with someone she's on a game show with and living with for just a few months.


Jen was trying to drive Dick crazy and get him thrown out. She didn't back down so maybe moving out of the bedroom would have felt like letting him win. Personally I think it would have been smart.

His hot head probably looked like a good way to get him out. He just didn't cross the line in BB's mind.


To all the legal eagles out there calling for Dick to be arrested or sued....let me know how that works out...

My bet is that the agreement the houseguests signed will let Dick keep his $$$ and his @$$ outta jail!


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