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PoV Speculations and Discussion


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OK, kinda slow in here, so I'm gonna try to get us all going with this thread at least.

Who you think will win it? What do you think they will do with it? If Kaysar or Ashlea get off the block, who do you think will go up in their place? Do you think who ever uses it will be targeted?

Me: I think Ashlea going to get booted no matter what happens, unless she win the PoV and takes herself off. If she does, then as far as who I think will take her place... Janelle. Only because I heard Eric and Ivette talking about it, but then they aren't the HoH, so I'm not sure who the HoH would stick up there. She doesn't like talk much, huh? Think I saw her talking once by the pool yesterday and that was about it.

What do you all think?

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I agree, but if the girls were smart they'd vote to keep her. The guys (Eric especially) have already talked of a Guy Alliance . Look what happened last year with the horsemen. Two of them made it to the end. The girls should stick together.

It's the partner that will throw them off. :lol:

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lol it's a bit too early for me to know what I think of rachel .. she hasn't said much .. or I should say that I haven't landed on feeds too much where she is talking ..

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yeah I was saying that too somewhere on here. She is really quiet too me too. I seen her talking once by the pool. I think I'm not liking her tho... Just a feeling for the most part.

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Guest MJayDaPlaya
Rachel was safe .. she didn't need to win POV to perserve her noms .. I think she just put a big target on her back.

She won the first HOH so that already put a target on her back, but yeah winning HOH and POV in the same week paints a bigger target. I'm almost certain though that if Mike and Kaysor are a team, he would have safed Kaysor.

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well i think she was ok with the first HOH because everyone on that surf board agreed .. and she made sure to talk to eveyrone get their idea of who to nominate .. she stayed non threatening that way. But with the POV .. she up'd the ante again .. am kinda glad just for feed purposes.

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Guest gosarah

I'm kinda new to this and I'm slightly confused about the POV. Didn't Rachel (as HOH) HAVE to play for it? Are you saying that she should have let Kaysar win and not try hard since Ashlea was losing anyway? Does it put a target on her back because the others will see her as a competitive player and hard to beat?

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She does have to compete .. but she shouldn't have fought hard enough to win it .. cause it makes her look like she's too good at comps ..

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Guest MJayDaPlaya
I'm kinda new to this and I'm slightly confused about the POV.  Didn't Rachel (as HOH) HAVE to play for it?  Are you saying that she should have let Kaysar win and not try hard since Ashlea was losing anyway?  Does it put a target on her back because the others will see her as a competitive player and hard to beat?

Yes Rachel had to play with the other 5 for POV. No she shouldn't have let Kaysar win because he would have taken himself off the block, but Rachel's getting a wee bit greedy.

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Guest ranster627

greedy or does she just want her picks to stand ... wonder if there is any chance, after getting to know everyone that she would change her mind and save someone?

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How i agree :!:


...Wins HoH

Discovers the "Secret" Room

Wins PoV...


Now everyone is thinking Rachel= competitor...

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Probably some bars too because they mentioned how hot the metal was.

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Whether or not ppl don't like the fact Rachel winning POV, it makes it easier on the HOH so they don't have to replace someone, everyone knows that they are going into this as a game, and everyone has a plan of how they are going to win. Everyone has put a target in the house, as soon as they walked in the house or even spoke a word that might have made someone think u are the bitch of the house.

Now they are either a cpl, friends, or co-workers in the house, so they always have a back-up to make sure things are good. Let's just say this only makes things just that more interesting in the house. Tension will build, ppl will start to lose it when they dont' have the real world to see. This is why this show is getting better and better every year, cause ppl think they can win this game, but in the end find it tough or find it easier to ride on someone's coat-tails.

These are the reasons why we watch the show, this is why we pay for the live feeds, this is why we are into big brother. Someone has to go every week, so if that means u have a target, than that is what happens....but I think some players are smart enough to get the target off their back....its part of game, ppl have to figure out.

Just me feedback on things.

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Guest ranster627
Probably some bars too because they mentioned how hot the metal was.

Kaysar mentioned getting burned by the hot metal according to a feed reporter ...

BTW: WTG Feed Update Reporters ... we love ya!

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