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Daniele - 2nd Place Winner


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her fakeness to the very end is what cost her a possible third vote

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looks like joe got nick

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the final vote shows social interaction goes along way to win bb

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smiles are back :party_smilie::party_smilie:

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She supported that ex boyfriend. He was a loser with bad credit

Such hate for someone you do not know. You should really find a hobby. ;)

Did you ever notice that when Danielle is being less than truthful she looks up? I think she was a little bent aboutDick winning, but she knows she's still gonna get paid. Kudos to a game well played.

BTW - loved, loved, loved the jury questions, but I felt cheated. I would have rather had the first evicties ask more questions or more of a finale than "here are the winners, good night."

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Daniele, Daniele - I really don't like your spoiled, scrawny self - but I did feel bad for you when Whamber asked that IDIOTIC question about Kris and Nick - she has a lot of nerve judging ANYONE on morals after what she admitted to doing to HER b/f.

You looked the best I have seen you look on last night's finale - please, please keep that weight on...you look much prettier with it.

Be nice to your Dad - it's clear he loves you and is doing his best.

Good luck and be careful with Nick - he is very hot, but there is something a little creepy about him.

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well, i LOVE you daniele...and if that's scrawny, sign me up! your dad got 500k, you got a cute new boyfriend, and i had so much fun watching you guys this summer! you and your dad are not any kind of trash...and i have a feeling you're both gonna be fine! nobody's perfect, dani. and i'm sure if you read the internet(s) you'll see a lot of people "without sin casting the first stone". ignore it! use the knowledge i truly believe you've gained to focus on the positive and the future. none of us can completely forget the past, but forgive...it's a gift and a freedom you give yourself. you've proven you're a girl of great strengths. no one would look perfect under scrutiny. all the best!

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Daniele, Daniele - I really don't like your spoiled, scrawny self - but I did feel bad for you when Whamber asked that IDIOTIC question about Kris and Nick - she has a lot of nerve judging ANYONE on morals after what she admitted to doing to HER b/f.

Are you kidding me??? That was the best question of the night, even if it seemed hypocritical coming from the source..but hey, hypocrisy is the lifestory of the Donatos so it worked out well. "HONESTLY", Im glad someone had the nerve to call out that skank on national television. The only thing idiotic was her answer.

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I do not like Danni but actually her retort was good her personal love life outside of BB had nothing to do with the game.

I normally wouldnt think so either, but coming from 2 idiots who've attacked everyone in the house on a personal level with insults outside of the game I thought it was fitting.

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