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Thursday, September 13th


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I meant last night. Did Zach join them last night for their meal?

I too suffered through the meals and beer pong earlier during BBAD. I believe previous BB groups of hg's would have made BBAD more entertaining.

This was the most useless group of hg's thus far. They all were inanimate objects as far as I'm concerned

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Sorry BBinSavannah, I was takin a nap, no Zach, came out of his bed for a short, very short moment and sat down at the counter and had some ice cream, and while ED&daniele were makin their funny Q&A session, he answered a couple of the questions, but went right back to bed, he looked like Zombie,lol

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I know, like the 1st season, that was how this all started, and look where is has traveled, I do hope there is another season, it is traditiion by now.

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