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Tuesday, September 11th


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It can be argued Dick was more racist to bring up what Zach said since Zach did not have a racist bone in his body when he said it .Just saying

Funny. I didnt realize Dick was such an advocate for racial equality. Hey Dickwad, next time start with your own sleaze daughter and her "Asians are stingy" remark instead of the 6 ft 3 guy who could pummel you with his hands tied behind his back.

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It's a shared sink. Where other people prepare the food. Most people would have the decency not to leave the body fluid in it. Especially when they have dishes that other people will use in the sink at the same time. It's nasty. You want him spitting on your dishes?

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i seem to remember last year Dr Will taking a bath in the kitchen sink because the house had no hot water except for the kitchen sink. i think some shaving even went on there too. YICK!

do i really think the kitchen sink should be used for spitting? well.. NO! gross. and if i was there and saw it i would pull dick aside and sAng_rant.gif kindly tell him that i think its gross and in the future could he please go to the trash can and spit there if he really needed to spit.

but uhh... in reality here... the dishes in the sink are dirty, and will be washed. so its not like he was spitting on clean dishes that people are then going to eat off of. then i would have to sFi_slap2.gif him.

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right.. he should be responsible for his adult daughters actions.
Yet he felt he should be responsible for Zach's actions.

Hey I've got an idea! It's a magical one! How about...brace yourself, NOT SPITTING IN THE HOUSE.You know DAMN well none of you ladies would want your children or significant others spitting inside the house. At least I'm assuming since no woman I've ever known from mother to friends to girlfriends would want me spitting anywhere int he house. It's considered a nasty habit. Thus, why do it? He should have some control, or at the very least go to the bathroom and do it in the toilet.You see, there's this MAGICAL difference between the toilet and the sink. You WASH things in the sink. Maybe some people go to the bathroom in the sink and wash dishes in the toilet, I'm not sure.

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Daniele wants Jessica to know how sorry she is that she didn't say good bye but wanted to let her say her good byes to Eric

i didn't watch the double eviction show, why didn't Danielle say good bye to Jess, was it because she & Dick were laughing to hard and patting themselves on the back?

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Dick's spitting is no worse than his daughter's bare feet on the counter-top all night.

Yeah, that was gross too. And Jameka's head on the kitchen table where they all eat.

To be fair, those were Dick's dishes that he used. When he was done, he made sure they were washed before anyone else had to do it.

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This could just keep going on and on with the who thinks what is gross.

I wonder who thinks hugging is gross? After the comps or with goodbyes they all tend to hugg a lot. (skin contact)

Just for me not any of this grosses me out. Spitting in the sink, feet on the counter. Maybe if I was obsessive complulsive.

just sayin...

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