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Zach - Week 11 H O H


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Having not seen the last competition, I don't see how it would make sense for Zach to throw that last competition. POV has ALL the power...if he changed his mind, he could have taken Dick off and put up Jameka, if he was that scared of her...but that would be stupid. No, I'm sure he wanted that POV

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I don't quite understand (if you look at BB as a game) why any of you can be on Zach's side (despite the fact I think he is an idiot in real life and a dork and quite frankly he is one of those men that makes my skin crawl for no reason -that just happens to women sometimes - ok call me prejudice)..?

He really did get to where he is by riding on the coat tails of the Donatos (and yes that is a strategy of sort) however, in the true spirit of the game, it is a CS way to get there.

I do think Dani deserves to win - it was her strategy, not her dad's...he was just the front guy -kinda like a bowling ball or a catapult of greek fire..(forget his bad habits). I think she was the "chess player" in the game.

So explain your thoughts on Zach winning? Is it just because you like him better than the Donatos or is it because you dislike the Donatos and anyone would be better winning against them? (and yes I know this post is too long).


in San Diego

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what does being a professional chess player mean? is it like one of those guys that does bobby fisher matches in russia? or is it playing other people on-line, where they give you a "rating"? i think he's basically a good guy. i think he's sometimes in a separate reality...i'll never forget him taking all the credit for sending jen upstairs with kail!!! but dick exaggerates a lot too about his game play; and so did eric! and dustin!maybe it's a guy thing!

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Is it just me, or does it seem like Zach has absolutely no friends in the real world? Seriously, both times he won HOH, the only photos he had were of his family. And he's gotten no messages or letters except from his family. In fact, in the first letter, his family didn't have much to say to him, so they just wrote little notes on index cards! Is it possible to get this far in life and not have any friends that you're not related to? He much be as much of a social retard outside the house as he is inside.

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zach's got no game. of course he needed to break up D&D to have any hope of making it to the final two. what's ridiculous is how long it took him to figure that out. he should have realized it the first time he was HOH but, as zach said, "I must stay loyal to my group" my group?? are you kidding???!!!! dani must have been laughing her butt off. this is what happens when you have no friends in the real world: you think anybody who's the least bit nice to you for two seconds is your bestest friend in whole world. oh it's painful to watch

and don't even get me started on that donato nomination speech. can you say "delusional"

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Yes, there is something off about Zach. He is not a bad looking guy, he is tall, and has a good build, (don't get excited, I am talking clinically here) I would think that plenty of girls would find him attractive. But no pictures of girls when he won HOH, and he wasn't working any of the girls either. it is interesting.

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