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Message From Eric In The Sequester House


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To borrow a term used by my son a hundred times during the marathon of college football games yesterday, this guy is a tool! If there was a contest to see who could inject the most unneccesary words into a conversation, he would win hands down. He could make a fortune writing and selling essays to students.......the ones that have a certain number of word or pages required. For any students out there, the following is a list of useless filler as given by Eric:

let me state for the record, that I, in fact (and I know this may sound ridiculous) as you might surmise, however,

as you might surmise, in sequester; however,

and might I add,

and I think this goes without saying,

and therefore

and, ultimately

and (might I add)

(and by knowledge, I mean insight, or knowing things other may overlook)

for argument's sake,

(being a panty-munching ogre)

one and only, single and solitary,

Let us, for argument's sake, suppose (and I think it's a safe assumption)

Now you don't have to be a Philadelphia Lawyer

might I say, fare thee well

(and, arguably, most important

and I can't say this clearly enough,

Might I remind you,

So to make this clear (and by clear, I mean "easily understood")

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I couldn't wait for him to leave so I'm sure as hell not going to listen to him again. No one in BB histoy has ran their mouths off with as much useless information as the rat boy.

bye bye eric wouldn't it be fun if zach and Dor D are in the F2 and America tells Eric to vote for either D&D giving them the 1 vote win LOL oh please oh please (and not because I like D&D so much but rather I disliked Eric as a player)

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The message isn't actually from Eric. Its a cute piece of satire posted by BB9Dish contributor Carolyn posing as OUR America's Player. It is well written and explains the shake down of the final four to the final two.

Kudos to Carolyn.

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Whether you love him or hate him.... this guy has wanted to be on BB for a loooong time.

He earnestly played the game to do America's bidding instead of playing his 'own' game (and made a lot of enemies along the way)

They should at least let the guy be able to vote for who he wants to win.

...... I'd guess he was told not to mention anything about Sequester....

lol... it would have ended up being a novel if he was let loose :rolleyes:

EDIT:... just scrolled up after I posted... Carolyn nailed his style, that's for sure

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i thought it was laughable..but still had to post the link! i can't wait til he gets back to the real world and realizes just how popular he is..hee hee.

lol...someone forgot one - "quite frankly" eric is a snapperhead.

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Eric just tries to over compensate for his insecurities. Leave the guy alone. Oh my, he didn't grow up as one of the popular confident kids. Why is it that everyone loves to pick on these kinds of people..... maybe it rings true that you put others down to make yourself look better.

For the record, I find some of his action offensive but I think it isn't fair to continue to hate on someone who played the game for YOU!

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We're not going to hear from Eric until the finale. Or if sooner,

it'll be recorded from an earlier time... :singer:

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Eric just tries to over compensate for his insecurities. Leave the guy alone. Oh my, he didn't grow up as one of the popular confident kids. Why is it that everyone loves to pick on these kinds of people..... maybe it rings true that you put others down to make yourself look better.

For the record, I find some of his action offensive but I think it isn't fair to continue to hate on someone who played the game for YOU!

have you heard some of the nasty things said about dick and daniele? compared to those things, i think what is said about eric is pretty tame.

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Why so defensive SOV?

So people slag the house guests, is this a new concept?

Why all of a sudden are people so high and mighty around here?

They are on TV, they're not our personal friends or family, we don't need to defend their honor.


Lets go back to having fun....

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I can tell teresall, but I can empathize, my day ain't been so good either, and now I have over cooked my dinner, hang in,lol

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I'm a little confused...is this really from Eric or is it fake like others are saying? What he says about the 40,000 he earned making him 3rd place is a great way to look at it :-)

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