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Pet Peevs About House Guests...


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I thought this would be a fun topic and I certainly have had MAJOR pet peeves regarding house guests.

1. I cannot stand to hear them EAT! I can hear every crunch and munch and when they talk with their mouths full it is amplified and it drive me crazy. I know that they cannot help it, but still drives me nuts.

2. Dick's spitting all over the darn place constantly.

3. Dani's whining about how everything is "sooooo frustrating", and her getting upset about every little thing when she is not in control.

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OMG the eating and smacking is the worst. Amber's food chewing grossed

me the worst. Dick's hacking then spitting...ewwwww.

Amber looking straight at the camera to pray.

Eric and his sock....I know it's a natural thing to do....but not on 24/7 live

feeds dude!!!!ewwwww! I could go on and on....but now I'm too grossed

out.....barf... sorry! JMHO :pixiedust:

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Chichi - What's wrong with Daniele's teeth??

Just asking.

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The worst eater since Amber left is Jameka. Good night :o she shovels one huge bite of food into her mouth then stuffs it in her left cheek then before swallowing shovels in another huge bite & tucks it into her right cheek, then one more ginormous bite for the middle. Once her cheeks look like a squirrel storing up acorns for the winter she then begins to chew sSic_yuk.gif

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Eric and his sock....I know it's a natural thing to do....but not on 24/7 live

feeds dude!!!!ewwwww! I could go on and on....but now I'm too grossed

out.....barf... sorry! JMHO

What is the deal with Eric and socks. I keep reading stuff about it and cant figure out what everyone is talking about.

The thing that I can't stand it the water in the sink running it is so loud do they have to have a mic right next to the sink.

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i see this is mostly a thread on pet peeves regarding dick and daniele.. so i wont go there.. since its already been done over and over.

Kail~ her laugh was obnoxious. her eyes darted around all paranoid like.

jameka ~ when she brushes her teeth she lets all the foam run down onto her hand.. i cant stand that. oh and she hacks up every morning. yuck! for a woman.

eric ~ he WAS the pet peeve

dustin ~ not clean. he admits that he doesnt take showers or baths often. he would work out and then not even clean afterwards with soap. YUCK.

zach ~ facial expressions. enough said. lol

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1. I cannot stand to hear them EAT! I can hear every crunch and munch and when they talk with their mouths full it is amplified and it drive me crazy. I know that they cannot help it, but still drives me nuts.

2. Dick's spitting all over the darn place constantly.

3. Dani's whining about how everything is "sooooo frustrating", and her getting upset about every little thing when she is not in control.

I agree! I'd add to #2. Dick's constant poopy talk. And Jameka; she "axes" instead of "asks".

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What wrong with dani's teeth?

Its that her gums appear larger than they should.

She has small teeth compared to her gums.

When she smiles big, all you can see is pink gums.

It is kinda gross...sorry :lipsrsealed2: i don't mean to :bash: her

She can't help it.

But she does need to win and use some of it to visit a good cosmetic dentist

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Daniele's incessant whining drives me crazy.

I also hated how she cleaned the kitchen the other night. It really isn't necessary to use a half a bottle of strong chemicals and an entire roll of paper towels to wipe down the surfaces in a kitchen. Ever heard of soapy water and a rag? Yes I know they have ants, but she used enough 409 to choke a horse. And the noise of the paper towels moving through her mic was like nails on a chalk board! (not her fault I know)

Jessica's voice, although it seemed much worse towards the beginning of the show. I must have gotten used to it.

Dick's overactive bodily functions. Seriously, if you need to burp and fart that often you should look at your diet and try to avoid eating and drinking things that give you such horrible gas. Especially when you are living with that many people. Ever heard of manners?

How Zach's voice gets when he's excited about something. All high pitched and weird. Sounds like a cartoon.

I agree on the chewing. Yuck. Dick never closes his mouth to chew, either.

The painted-on eyebrows.

Eric's motormouth and how he was always interrupting people.

Jameka's "mmmmmmmhmmmm" every 5 seconds. WHY!

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