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Which Is The Worst Final 2?


The Final 2  

187 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Is the Worst Final 2?

    • Jun and Alison
    • Maggie and Ivette
    • Boogie and Erika
    • Daniele and Dick

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dani and dick is just to much sheissuch a snot and complain complain complain poor me you just dont understand how hard it is to be me everyone Iknow I dont like or they annoy me its just so hard to be me you just dont understand and Blah Blah Blah

and get a

maybe she could spend some time with special olympics and get a f^%$ing clue?

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What about Zach/Jameka...

They would be a horrible Final Two.

I will be so dissapointed if that is how it is played out.

Jameka.. for what has she done in this game??

Zach.. Huge time floater??

If anyone Daniele and Dick deserve to win.

Oh please, stop with the "but but but the producers are helping them win!" ... give it a rest, already.

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It's a toss up between Maggie & Ivette and Booger & Erika. At least Booger took part in the game, even if Will was the mastermind and the driving force to get them as far as they got.

I'm hopeful for a Dick & Dani F2, but I want Dick to win it. I think going with his daughter is his only chance.

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I wouldn't say that D&D would be the worst, but IMO they would be the most boring finale ever. Even more boring and predictable than Drew & Cowboy (jeez, I yawn just typing those two).

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I am shocked that people say Dick and Daniele would be the worst F2. Maybe the wording of the poll? I dunno.

I have to say that between the 2 of them they played a good hard game and would earn the win.

So I assume the poll is just one weather you LIKE them or not. :animated_scratchchin:

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i think the poll has been tampered with. sFun_hypnotize.gif yup.. totally rigged.. tampered with... its all a set up.

cant fool me. i know it can be done too! i have seen it done before. hahahahahaaaa (i know i am not the only one out there that saw it done before.. but if you dont want to step forward, i will understand!)


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i think the poll has been tampered with. yup.. totally rigged.. tampered with... its all a set up.

cant fool me. i know it can be done too! i have seen it done before. hahahahahaaaa

Yup, I was thinkin' JEDI too...but he's usually more obvious (not a subtle guy, our Jedi), like when he gave someone (Marty?) a million votes in our little survey...

In this poll he would have given someone 400%, or sumpin'...

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I voted Maggie and Ivette, but now that I think about it, Boogie and Erika were worse.

I can't stand D/D, but I don't think they are nearly as bad as every other final 2 mentioned. It would be interesting to see the jury questions and such in that final 2. Although I think ED will do what he can to help Danielle win. (That's why, out of those 2, I want ED to win. Danielle thinks she is entitled to win!)

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IF Jameka & Zach were a choice I would have picked them but since they weren't I picked Boogie & Erika.

If it wasn't for Will, he wouldn't have been on All-stars. I thought after BB was over we wouldn't have to see that arrogant punk! I thought seeing that putz win was bad enough but then he had to go on Beverly Hills 90210 and make a bigger ass out of himself, by thinking it was funny that he had a genital wart.

What is it with these girls???? Goes to show "money doesn't make the man" & you can't buy class with it!

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Who is worse, Ivette or Daniele?

I actually think Daniele. At least Ivette was up front and told you to your face what she thought. Daniele acts like an innocent little angel in front of everyone and then degrades them to no end behind their backs.

Daniele reminds me of Alison and Maggie combined.

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