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Dick Week 10 H O H


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Erin if Dani laughs in Zachs face would you also then be happy to see Zach grab some ice tea and pour it over Danis head? Would that be OK?

The game is for money but that doesnt mean everyone that plays the game will go to any length no matter how low to win the money. Most people have a moral compass and wont drastically alter that moral compass using the game as an excuse. Most hgs would not and have not. Maybe Dick and Danis moral compass is just different than most people? Their moral compass seems to be like many politicians. The ends justify any means.

It is quite possible that Dick and Dani are just showing their real charecter inside the house. Ask Dicks ex wifes or Danis boyfriend about how low they will go.

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I'm with yah Donato. The HG"s have had two clear opportunity's to evict Dick, and they didn't (which by the way is fabulous!!!). I hope Dick wins that POV today and laughs in Zach and Jam's face.

Because America told them NOT to! That is the only reason he survived for this long. He is NOT a great player by any means.

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I agree with pretty much everything you've been saying in this thread SCRebel, but lets not use the word "integrity" to describe this game, its producers or any of its players. It would be like using the word "consistency" when referencing any politician.

Actually, I hereby request a moratorium on the word "integrity" when discussing Big Brother 8. ;)

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I disagree. I don't think people should play with integrity.. whatever that means but I do think there needs to be integrity in regards to the rules and boundaries of the game. There needs to be a clear set of guidlines that should be followed for there to be any sort of level playing field at all. If not, why not just throw a big pile of money in front of all the houseguests and let them fight it out however they want for the money.

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No, I'm a member of this message board who doesn't appreciate people lying about things I say to make me look bad.

1. I was not lying about anything.

2. I am a member too of this message board.

3. I am well aware you are not psychotic enough to chase any of the houseguests down after the show is over and physically harm them...I was simply responding to your earlier statement regarding "someone" going after one of them.

4. It's a GAME....get over it all.

Back on topic here: Good luck today with the POV, Dick!!

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SCRebel, that wasn't what I was talking about.

What I have been saying all along is since the producer's have decided to manipulate this game so severely this year, helped to change votes with DRs and even introduced AP, the producer's THEMSELVES have thrown the game's integrity out the window. Thus, since the show itself has become somewhat crooked, I no longer use that word to describe it.

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If Dick starts with the racist crap and trys to slander Zach (per Danis orders), Zach should pour the ice tea over Danis head to try to get Dick to respond physically and get Dick kicked out. Dick is probably too scared to respond physically but if he did he would have no excuse since Dick cant claim he was provoked by the pouring of the ice tea (dick did that himself to Jen).

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Only problem with that is Zach has proved throughout the course of the show that he is not two years old. He has always held firm on his ground and not let Dick's pathetic attacks get to him. He'll show that he's the bigger man than Dick after this. Just watch.

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Yeah I kinda think if Dick brings up all the racial crap he will be put in his place by both Jameka and Zach. Jameka seems like a fairly intelligent person and should be able to figure out it's just a last ditch effort to rattle J/Z and turn them against each other.

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Yeah, I've seen Zach take A LOT of verbal bashing from Dick, and he never once lost his cool. It's amazing how steadfast Zach is under pressure from Dick's verbal assaults. The reason, I think, is first Zach has much more maturity than Dick and he also knows that it only makes Dick look like a raging lunatic. But still, it's pretty impressive how Zach does not come undone by the onslaughts of Dick.

Hope Zach can continue to hold it together today.

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I wonder if Dick wants to use the race card and go off again and make a big show so that if D/D don't win POV, that Dick will be the one evicted so that Dani can be the one to stay. He's done that before when he and Dani were on the block...

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Some of these comments to me are just as bad as what is being said about the Donatos, no one is perfect ENOUGH to go to this extreme with the HATE that is being spewed here, JMHO

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