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Double Standard


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Well, we voted for Eric to destroy something of a houseguest's and he ruined Jen's shirt with mustard which she was unable to wash out. Yet, when she destroys Dick's cigs after relentless verbal torture she's penalized with a vote?

I read at MSNBC that even the producer that night she was penalized called Jen the c-word in the diary room? This was reported by Danielle on the live feeds. Apparently, the producer that night told all the houseguests to give Jen hell, as they did.

I enjoy Dick as far as good television goes and hope he makes it to the end, but his nonstop verbal harrassment of Jen was uncalled for and BB used kid gloves in dealing with it.

In all fairness Eric should be penalized for destroying Jen's shirt. Fair is fair.

I didn't really understand the superior stance the house took with Jen. If it was egged on by the producers that night that was uncalled for. None of them defended her against Dick.



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oh come on, the eating was fair in every sense of the word. BB allowed Eric to destroy her shirt with mustard with no penalties, allowed Dick to verbally abuse her the whole season, etc. Yes, Jen was too self-involved, but she deserved far better treatment. She was going to be evicted that week clearly, but after the abuse from both the producers and the houseguests she had every reason to just eat and be done with it and frankly she set a wonderful example for America of healthy eating choices: turkey burger, cottage cheese, an apple.

LOL about the name. I registered as Vince here eons ago, but my real name is Tony ;)

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She didnt get the penalty for destroying the cigs. She got the penalty for eating.

Maybe some forget, but she started cooking those Turkey burgers BEFORE the cigarette thing, after she got nom'd.

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Still can't figure out why the producers have the need to protect Dick/Dani in the game. If they manipulate gameplay to give Eric an advantage I could understand that because they don't want to look like fools with the AP thing since it was their brainchild...but the personal interest vested in D/D that leads them to call Jen names is beyond me.

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Not that it is a big deal but the mustard washed out of Jen's shirt.

As a Big Brother fan from season one it really bothered me that Jen took it upon herself to break the rule of slop. Other house guests had suffered through slop and others still were on slop. She gets the food and eats in front of Jameka on slop. I was so glad to see Jen leave.

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and just to back my above claim up . . . . . .


7:50PM BBT: Jen is in the kitchen making turkey burgers. Dick goes in to get a cigarette and finds that Jen has already packed to go home. Dick comes back outside and tells the rest of the group and says that earlier she (Jen) had said if she is voted out that she will drop out instead of going to the sequester house, because she can make more money modeling and then her vote would become America's vote and then America would like her.

7:55PM BBT: Jen comes outside and starts talking about eating the turkey burgers she is cooking, Jameka tells her that she (Jen) hasn't come this far to go and do something stupid

(Also, Amber & Daniele have gone on their date from the PoV competition.)

8:15PM BBT: Jen goes into the round room and took all of Dick

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Ginger I'm with you. Jen also knew she was going home as they practically all told her she was so what's the harm

in giving up one vote? If I were in her position with the way the producers allowed these people to treat her

particularily Dick, I would have done the same thing.

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Yep that is the way it went down Mikede

There is a thing about the integrity of the game. Jen chose not to honor the rules of Big Brother. She was too good for the game. She could go off and model and make more money.

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and frankly she set a wonderful example for America of healthy eating choices: turkey burger, cottage cheese, an apple.

Are you serious with that "Vince"???

Clearly, because jen was absolutely cooking those burgers before the whole cigarette disaster, she planned to eat as strategy. She had also read the BB rule book earlier that day and KNEW that if she had a penalty nomination (they did not have penalty votes before her incident), the HGs would keep her, WHICH WAS TRUE!

So, opining about her "stance" and her "fu" to the producers which she later claimed to save face (and also as strategy) is comical to me.

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Hey Dick's son, eric was TOLD to destroy someone's stuff. BB could not penalize him for a task he must complete. IMO, it was a stupid task. If they wanted to start controversy, it should have been something like, "destroy your own shirt and blame someone" or "take an item from someone's bag and place it in another's bed"

Jen started eating to get back at BB for replacing the cigarettes.

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I think if Jen was really smart, she would have opened a whole bunch of packs of smokes and put them in the sink, then wait for Dick to come in.

When he sees the cigs in the sink, start running the water.

No doubt he would have gotten physical by pushing or pulling her out of the way to save some smokes!

BAM! Instant eviction.

But she wasn't so smart.

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