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Wednesday, September 5th


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In the final four, does everyone get an opportunity to compete for the HOH?

Pretty sure Jamekia's last HOH comp she will have to sit out will be the first one Thursday. Also pretty sure the next HOH comp will be during the last part of Thursday's show...or maybe immediately following the show and they'll show it on Sunday's show. But of course we'll know from the live updates.

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we were talking about this yesterday... i think maybe 30 minutes prior to the live show, BB tells all the HGs that they have 30 minutes to pack their bags and have them ready.... and that it will be a double eviction night.


I may be wrong but I really do not think they'll give them any warning. And I really hope that they don't...it'll be so much better if they're surprised.


Eviction ~ HOH comp ~ nominations ~ POV comp ~ eviction

2 people leave on Thursdays show.

After the show they can do a lockdown (probably outside or HOH room) so the 2nd evicted person can pack.


Jammer quoted me on post #41 (not the "quote part", but the 2nd half. I'm special. ;)

PEOPLE....... we DON'T know how it's going to go down as far as the packing. If George hadn't been the 2nd one eviced last yr, we would have something to go off of, but since he had already packed due to being noiminated earlier in the week, we didn't get the chance to see how it could have gone down.

But I seriously doubt that they'll warn them 30 minutes prior to the show starting that it's goin gto be a double eviction.


It seems to me that they went along as usual and had the first eviction, and then the hoh comp, and Janelle won, and then they announced that it was a dbl evicction, and that she had to make her nominations, and that is when she said "Bye Bye Bitches", I may have it confused, that was BB6 I think, I can't remember last year, that is the only dbl eviction I remember because it was so funny what she (Janell ) said,lol


fatcat, "Bye Bye Bitches" was BB6, but that wasn't a fast forward night (where Jen would have went home the same night). She didn't go until Fri, and we saw it on Sat's show.


ohh silly people.. i just cant.. i cant.. you guys are soooo frustratinnnnggggggg!

:smilielol: :::::::::::::runs:::::::::::::::

fatcat just wanted to say "bye bye bitches!" from BB6

baby? i did i did! lol


I'll tell ya it all runs together for me sometimes, I knew as I was typing it was season 6 but the fast forward thing is what I can't remember. It is gonna throw them cause they keep sayin it is too late for the dbl eviction thing. I want to play hooky from work thurs, but can't. if they take out Jess I think then Zach and Jameka should go up. I do not think Jameka will take any deals which would be to her disadvantage. If you are playin for 500 grand wouldn't you want to get as far as possible? especially since by your own bad play you have been hangin around because you gave up the right to play for HOH? It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, I am a little scared of Zach, he is so dorky and has fluky luck.


If Daniel wins HOH, Jameka and Eric will go up.

If Dick wins HOH, Jameka and Eric will go up.

If Eric by some small miracle wins HOH, Dick and Daniel goes up. Dick of Daniel wins POV, Zach goes up.

If Jameka wins POV, it's all over folks because from that point I think she will go on to win the game.

If Eric wins HOH, it's all over folks.


Worst case scenario if eric gets HOH is he nominates D&D and Zach wins veto. Zach will use the veto to try to get into Danielle's pants and eric will have to put up jameka. Zach and Danielle will vote out Jameka.


Yah, I also want Jameka to leave Thursday, whether she is the first to leave, or the second to leave. Doesn't matter to me.


I thought it was odd that on the show, they didn't show D&D conspiring to have Jameka swear on the Bible. I wonder why??


Thanks Babyblues, that brought it all back, boy was Janell foolish to have not put up one of chilltown, it is soo crazy how that happens. Thanks for the link, so this is prolly how it will go down thrus then. Let us hope if ED or Dani get hoh that they will put up the right people, in my book that would be Zach and Jameka (if she is still there and did not make the deal) or Zach and Eric, but I am sorta scared of both Zach and Jameka. I f Jameka makes it down that far, she could be a danger.


Thanks for the link. I can't remember what I did yesterday, nevermind last year.

It was fun to watch that over again.

I must say though that I liked that crowd better than this years players.

(I LOVE Chicken George!)

That is how they will prob do Thursday's eviction. Dick is the only one I think can

think fast enough to plot quickly.

Jess hasn't done any thinking for herself. Danielle might be able to think fast, but she

may have to throw her father under the bus.

Eric is going to be all flustered.

Zach, hmm, I don'tknow. I don't think Zach is as clueless as likes to make people think.


I without a doubt liked the guests from BB6 and all stars better than this year, it seems like college frat parties every nite, the beer pong is drivin me nuts, that is all they do on the After Dark, other than ED, this group is young and boooorrrring. I too loved re-watching that episode of allstars, these kids just do not have it like them.


Definitely a maturaity level missing this year.

I honestly can't blame Jess or Danielle for not

being able to play the game, because I am not convinced that the centers of the brain they need

are fully developed yet.

Studies show that the brain is not fully dveloped in the reasoning, decision making, logic, etc

until age 24. (gosh, I have a 19 and a 20 year old. I can vouch for those studies! LOL!)

Jess's constant "is there alcohol here yet"? is a typical (albeit a little excessive for Jess) 20 year

old mind thought.

I see AA in the distant future for Jess.

I don't see a whole lot of maturity in Eric either. His mistake was falling(emotionally) for Jess. He lost his game play

right there. You have to play BB for yourself, and he is playing for 3 (himself, Jess and America)


I so agree, and I also have grown children, the youngest is 30, and it is great that they come home and we have intelligent conversations,lol I know that that is a fact about brain developement, and I always keep in mind that Daniele is immature and bratty, it goes with the territory, I just hope it doesn't ruin her in the end. Even tho she really thinks her dad is just awwwfuuull, he really has helped her and help keep her there. Eric got too involved, and plus they all are gonna be pissed when they find out they all have been dbl whammied. I think if Nick had not been evicted Daniele would also have been too emotionally involved to play the game in a way that is for herself. Jessica really is still back in college days , she sleeps most of the time, never cooks or cleans, goo goos with eric, and drinks, If she is thinking about the game , she doesn't show it, yes she has won some comps, but then drops the ball cause eric is tellin her what to do, she will be po'd for sure when she realizes all that he talked her into and he has 40 grand under his belt.


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