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Wednesday, September 5th


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I think it was Jameka. Right after his DR he was happy and telling Jessica that she was staying.

Man is he gonna be in shock when D&D and Zack evict Sweet Jess :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:


I've just jumped off the Dick & Danielle bandwagon if they vote out Jessica. Eric saved Dick twice when he could have for sure sent him home. BS. If Jess goes home Thursday I hope Danielle is right behind her. Has anyone else noticed that Danielle's voice, at the end of a sentence, makes a sound like the dead kid on The Grudge? It's awful.


This is the end game. There are no more staying true to alliances. Besides, Jessica wants to turn on them too, and has a history of winning HOH's and Vetos. Jameka is still not a threat until after the next HOH. Eric will be a mess during the HOH because of Jessica going. This is the smartest plan of action right now.

It's now a week to week game.


Yeah actually I think i'm over it already. I'm back on the bandwagon. Just the Dick bandwagon though. Danielle is sooo annoying. It will also be interesting to see if Eric actually calls anyone out or just takes it all like a beyotch. He's always talking about how he's going to kick someone's ass or tell somebody off but it never seems to happen. The other day he said he was laying on the couch and told zach not to touch him, and zach was like okay then rubs his head and walks off. Eric was saying, "I was this close to getting up and just kicking his ass." Eric (150 lbs, 5'7") trying to take down Zach would have been pretty funny.


I am surprised the vote was to evict Jameka by the voters. Other message boards were all screaming evict Jessica.


I have a question:

Since tomorrow night will be a double eviction, but the HG's won't know about it till the last minute, how will they work it out so the HG's will ALL have their bags packed, and be ready to go?


But I'm not sure how that would work on a live show, Baby.

I was trying--unsuccessfully--to remember how that part of it was done in previous years, when they had a double eviction.


Jessica has already stated that if Julie says the votes are 2-1, she's being evicted. If it's 3-0 jameka is going home. Jessica may have a baby voice, but she's not stupid. She knew from the get go that if Eric didn't use the veto to backdoor Danielle, D&D would send her home.

Jess & Jameka have already spoken about leaving and voting for eachother if the other is in the Final 2. Theyhave both also said thaf when they are evicted, they should tell Zach that he will be getting the grand prize because they won't vote for D or D.

One more hypocritcal D&D moment: Danielle wondering why Jameka is being soooo meeeaaan to her. Hey, skanky whore, your liar of a father keeps telling her she's being evicted. How the F*CK should she behave around you?


I think D&D will vote out Jess and that it will blow up in their faces. They will vote out Jess, Eric will win HOH, knowing he can nom with no input from America and D&D will be on the block and Dani will walk out the door leaving Dick and mess and Jam able to compete for HOH. Then Dick can scream at Eric about being a liar even though D&D can lie with the best of them. That would be cool.

I have a question: Since tomorrow night will be a double eviction, but the HG's won't know about it till the last minute, how will they work it out so the HG's will ALL have their bags packed, and be ready to go?

From the Double Eviction thread, this is how it happened last year. I think this will be what we see tomorrow night.

From the night Dani & George were evicted.

Originally it was George/Dani up for eviction. Dani was evicted. Then they did the fast forward. Janie won HoH.... nominated Erica & George..... Erica won PoV & took herself off the block...... Booger went up in her place...... George went home.

So.......George was ALREADY packed from his original nomination. Booger wasn't, and didn't pack (he wouldn't have had time to over the commercial break). So I guess never mind about someone checking the archives. There'd be nothing there.


The houseguests don't have to pack yet since.......

Thursday is the day when they do the nominations....

Then Sunday will be POV and eviction night.....

That is how it happened last year......

So, all of the houseguests don't have to pack....

Only the 2 that are nominated......

Then Dick can scream at Eric about being a liar even though D&D can lie with the best of them. That would be cool.

I can totally see that happening. D&D lied sending Jessica home and it's ok. But if Eric does it...Katy bar the door.


Thanks Jammer.

Then they did the fast forward.

But how?? Eviction nights are live.

They couldn't have taped the second HOH comp, because that means the HG's would have to know about it (the double eviction) ahead of time.

edit: Snuggs, I know that they've done that in previous years, but Julie specifically said that 2 HG's would be going home TOMORROW (Thurs).

Thursday is the day when they do the nominations....

Then Sunday will be POV and eviction night.....

Julie said...two people will leave Thursday night.


I thought the double eviction was all happening tomorrow and two people are leaving. I think it would be quite funny if whoever gets evicted second just leaves with the clothes on their back. Or maybe while POV is going on, the crew just throws a bunch of things in a bag.

But how?? Eviction nights are live.

They couldn't have taped the second HOH comp, because that means the HG's would have to know about it (the double eviction) ahead of time.

In a fast forward, it's all done on the live show. First HOH comp, nominations, POV comp, evictions and new HOH.


Maybe the second evicted HG just leaves with the clothes on his or her back. Maybe he or she would have to depend on the kindness of the jury. Which for D&D would totally suck, as I doubt the jury will give them anything more than dirty looks.


If 2 people leave this Thursday, they must have another HOH contest sometime this weekend. In the final four, does everyone get an opportunity to compete for the HOH?


I know one thing. If I was the second one evicted on Thursday, I wouldn't want the people that just kicked me out packing my clothes for me after I'm gone. That's just weird.


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