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The Smartest Move?


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Now I will start by saying that hind sight is 20/20, but what do you think the best thing for Jessica and Eric would have been for last week and why?

I think that should have used the veto on Zach, and then put Dani. Here is my logic.

They could have made a deal with Zach to use the veto on him, and then put up Dani and made a deal with Amber to save her and vote out Dani. Then they would have had Dani gone, and Zach on their side(he obviously would have won HOH no matter who he was against). Then Zach would have probably put up Amber and Jameka this week with Dick as replacement and they would have been in charge. What is your oppinion on this?

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my head is spinning around like in the exorcist about now. :rolleyes4:

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oh ans I did takes some drugs, hell yeah!! It's Fri night.OMG. but they have not taken effect yet, honest!!!

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Take some drugs!!

oh fizzzzle................

sounds like a plan to me!!!!

as far as the smartest move... the smartest move was to get amber out of the house. i say, get any person that dragged their lazy butt thru this game OUT! let the real players Play the game. period.

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