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September 1, Live Feed Updates


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Dick is alone in the round room. I think he's getting ready for bed. He's whispering something but I can't hear him.

I think he's sniffing. Maybe he's crying.

Now he walked out of view of the camera but I think he's getting ready for bed.

All other HG sleeping.

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6:40amBBT Dick leaves round room says he needs to stop burping. He goes to BY to smoke and comments how hot it is already and that this is usually the coolest part of the day so it will be a "scorcher" today and "put on your sunscreen". Now smoking and spitting.

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daniele just got out of bed and went outside, dick asked if she couldn't sleep

she said she is so tired but couldn't fall asleep

he is telling her about a flying cock roach he just saw flying

she said ewwww, she said her and jameka were just talking about cock roaches earlier and dani said that she has never seen a real live cock roach

she goes inside to the bathroom

now she is in the kitchen getting something out of the fridge

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6:50amBBT Daniele is now up too and joins Dick in the BY.

Talking about how they haven't been able to sleep yet.

Dick is telling Dani that just before she came out he saw something fly through the air and land on the lounge. It was a cockroach and he didn't realize that they had wings and could fly. Dani says she has never seen a cockroach ever. Dick says that there is a dead one next to the lounge.

Dani goes inside and is getting in the fridge.

Dick still in BY.

Dani comes back out. They are talking about the food being bad; going stale etc.

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Dani says she couldn't sleep because she is trying to figure out what to do.

D/D Discussing different scenarios.

If they get rid of Jess this week there will only be 3 people competing next week; Dani, Dick and Eric.

But if they do send her home Dani feels Jess will "really, really" hold that against them in the jury house.

She doesn't want to give up that vote so maybe they should just send Jam home this week and wait until next week for D/D to turn on them (E/J).

Dani also doesn't think it is good for them to get rid of Zach till final 3.

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now dick and dani and talking game outside

talking about the different senerios

wondering if they send jessica home this week she will definatley hold it against them in the jury

dani is leading towards keeping jessica this week and maybe waiting until next week to get rid of either her and eric

they are talking about how bad eric and jameka do in comps

and now zach has shown that he CAN REALLY compete

they are going over different ways this can play out and dick said yeah, that's why i can't sleep

talking about how people will look at things if one of them (d and d) and in the final two with one of the others, how they will vote and hopefully they will vote based on strat, as aposed to personal

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Talking about Amber and how Dani truly does like her and they had really good talks in the house.

Dani's hugs to Amber were very sincere. She does like her. Amber whispered in Dani's ear when she was evicted "whatever you do, you need to get Eric out". Dani says to Dick "duh, I already tried but everyone saved him".

Dick says he's going to bathroom and will be right back but wants to give her some food for thought: See, I told you that America does like you!" Dani says "NO, it just means Janelle likes me"

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Dick back from bathroom now and talk is about how nice it was to see Janelle and Dani seems very excited that Janelle really seems to like Dani and how much Dani likes Janelle.

They think it seemed like Jani didn't like Eric at all.

Dani telling Dick to watch what he says because she heard him (Dick) say at the table that "I should have been on season 6" Dani says just be careful because she also heard him (Dick) say something about Arnold Shapiro and we get FOTH.

Now they are back and Dick is saying again " I kept telling you that you were very well liked" Dani says "Okaay" and Dick says "quit saying it like that, why do you have to mock me?"

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Dani says her worst fear is to be next to Jam in the final 2.

Dick "OK let's say Eric goes this week"

Dani:"OK before you say anything: that would be such a bold, bold move for us to make"

Plane flysover and it is very loud

Dani says her and Dick are "the deciding votes" this week no matter what.

Dani thinks Jam will approach her and Dick this week for their votes.

Dani is considering scenarios of saving Jam if she (Jam) approaches them because then they could strike a deal with her.

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Dani says she thinks it might be best to keep Jam b/c she is not very good at comps in general and still has 1 more week of HOH comps that she cannot compete in.

Dani says she definitely doesn't want to be in final 2 with Jam but final 4 wouldn't be so bad.

Dick and Dani talking about Jam and the comps "she's not very good" and even Jameka doesn't consider her own POV win (when she took Jen off) a true "win".

Dani hopes "something" will happen today; some activity or something to do.

D/D talking about how bad Eric was in the comp tonight and he looked like he was crying during the comp. Dani says Eric gets very angry about losing. She says that's the one thing that scares her about Eric.

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7:35 BBT: Dick and Daniele in the BY... Daniele said that she has so many blisters on her feet... Dick says he has a bad cut on one of his toes... It get's quiet for a second and Dick says that he can't believe they are still in there together... Daniele says or can you??? They then start talking about if it would've been better to get Zach out instead of Amber... Dick says if Amber had still been there he would've been HoH this week...

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Dani reciting all previous comps (and she is very good with this). she is naming each comp and the day it happened and who won it.

She is coaching Dick on how to brush up on his skills of what has happened in this house so far. "For example, your day is Day 20 and Joe went home" "sometimes it is easier to go to "your" day and count from there as to what has happened.

Dani is talking about all the blisters she has.

D/D talking about when Jen caught them (D/D) in the storage room talking and how it's not a big deal now but at the time it was "huge".

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Dick asks "how bad would it be to go up against Eric in final 2". He wants to know if they D/D keep their deal with E/J . Dani says Jess has to go and it's really scary to think about going up against Eric.

Dani says even though Amber and Dustin don't like them(D/D) Dani thinks if she could get Eric out, Amber and Dustin may vote for D or D then.

Neither knows how Jen would vote.

Dick says Jess needs to go. Talk about how much Jess sleeps. Dani: Yes, she's won 2 hoh's but she has been fed all the info and she robotically did everything she was told to do.

Dick goes inside and Dani asks him to tell her what time it is.

Dick comes back and says it's quarter til 8.

Dani says she needs to go to bed soon. She has a really bad headache.

Now talking about how loud Jess is and how Jess and Jam were screaming earlier Dani says "what is it with these people? Are you 2?" They say how Jam is really loud too but she used to worse.

Dick says he thinks the best thing to do is to keep the alliance (E/J/D/D) in tact.

Dani feels it's too risky.

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8:01amBBT Dick and Dani continued talking strategy and different scenarios ( :disappointed: my feeds were cutting out and I missed last 10 minutes)

Looks like they are going to bed now.

8:05am BBT Well Dick went to bathroom and now he's getting something from the fridge. Pouring himself a drink from the fridge. Drank his drink and now heads to round room and turns out light and gets into bed at 8:08amBBT.

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Dick back out of bed... gets up and is laughing to self... walks into bathroom to use loo and says "f****** stiff"... out of loo washes hands with soap... walks down hall like he is ice skating.. we get FOTH (trivia)...

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Dick still up in BY changes laundry loads and commenting on clothes and clothing tags.

Comes inside mumbles "almost 9:00 in g-d morning". Uses bathroom. Comes out, washes hands and heads to round room. Paces around the room mumbling-(I can't make out what he is saying except for "shoes"). Gets into bed and says, "I'm so sore"--------"what happened? --- I got short sheeted"......laughing about something....coughs a little. 8:55amBBt

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