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Tuesday, August 28th


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Giraffe176 just posted this on the live feeds from Morty's:

Dick told amber, who is now telling Jameka, about dick and dani's deal with Jess and Eric.

Amber just said that she was "fucked" and how they are going up every week untill they are gone.

He just proved to me that he is ssooooooo stupid. They have thought it, but no one had confirmed it. It would serve him right for Dani to get HOH and put his butt up, it's not just his game and deal, it was also E/J&D. Just like Dustin, the cockiness and ego was his demise. Now if Zack get's HOH, he has just made it to simple for him to put both of them up or the smarter thing, put up Jessica and Dani or Eric and Dick. I will vote to nominate and evict "Richard" :giljotiini: if it could work out that way or something similar.

What a dumb-butt!!!!!!!!!

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I love how they showed her DR after the veto comp saying he was evil and had no soul yet she went upstairs and begged them to keep her by stating that they're all still good people

GOOD PEOPLE MINUS A SOUL. That's a nice slogan

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Dick only said that he was going home until his last minute deal on that Wednesday.

I never heard him say anything about a deal beyond that one eviction. I never heard Dick say anything about any alliance with Eric and Jess.

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I hope that Daniele knows Amber is full of shit, I don't think she's that dumb.. I just hope Eric gets HoH, anyone else and Jessica is in EXTREME danger..

I wish AP had the ability to veto some tasks or whatever like that guy was saying, if that was the case Daniele would be gone now, if not sooner.

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What's Amber saying that she's going to tell Daniele?

Basically, using what Eric has said strategy wise and saying it's her own, to insult Eric. She's full of shit, biggest liar in the house right now BY FAR.

no she wouldnt.

Sorry, but they'd be loong gone if Eric wasn't at the hands of the voters.

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i dont think so. if eric wasnt at the choice of the voters, he would to teamed up with joe and kail and went to the final 3.

thats almost as dumb as what your saying^^^^

just because we dont know what would of happened.

Good luck Daniele!

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If she is as strong as you think she is, he would have gotten rid of her extremely fast..

I'm lovin' the blank stare Amber is getting from Daniele.. LIES LIES LIES.. and she questions what "God" is doing to her.

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No.. seeing as he's aligned with her, and you know.. planning on moving to her home town..I hope you don't actually expect that AP would change their feelings for each other.. not seeing that.. :lipsrsealed2:

Your word is shit, just like you Amber.. do us all a favor and stop the lies.. God doesn't like them believe it or not. She such a fake with the religious bull..

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Oh well, I wouldn't last.. I hate it my clock is all right.. I'm tired around 11 every night.. It suucckks!!

..and yeah, Amber is a pig.. I lying conceded pig.. a unattractive one who thinks shes attractive. I love high confidence in people and everything about looks and how they're viewed by others, but sometimes it gets out of hand..

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