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Oldguy's Big Brother Songs


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Actually, when I retired from Chippendales two years ago I had to sign an agreement that I wouldn't show skin for three years.

Well then Oldguy, get your necktie and speedos ready for BB9 cause your three years will be up and I for one will be getting new spectacles next year.... :animated_rotfl:

LUV'S YA, and keep them songs and odes coming, it soothes the masses, makes them Dirty Hookers giggle and the rest of us content!! :animated_bouncy:

How about the "Green Acres" theme song, may I help you out.

Big Brother is the house for me,

Half a million is the prize to be,

Go watch them on your own live feeds,

Dick, I love you, but

I'm not grounded in reality :rolls eyes:

do do do do do dodo

Smokey air, green phlegm

Oh yeah, you want to do one Ginger?

Yana, was it you who asked when I'm going to show some skin?

Actually, it was me, oldguy...and it's not the first time Yana and Yath have been used interchangeably...

But really oldguy, the dance moves on the recent tape were awesome, but would have been even better accompanied by bare undulating chest muscles (and I know you have 'em).

Bare chest and your plaid Bermudas...that would make me very happy.

Or, even better, do you have a Speedo??

Or, even better, do you have a Speedo??

ok.. i will have to draw the line.

i dont even want to see a young hip guy in a speedo!


Actually, I've been thinking of buying a Speedo!

That's a three-wheel bike, isn't it?

The lady across the street told me I'd look pretty cool on it - wearing my plaid Bermudas, long black socks and brown sandals.

pssst . . . don't tell anybody, but I think she's got the hots for me.


Yup...a video of you on your bike, doing a rap song, wearing your Bermudas.

You could send it to Bertha across the street.

She'll go nuts.


Ginger - sshhh. . . Mizz Bertha does not kmow that I consort with dirty, rotten hookers.


Mark, how do you and oldguy know each other?

Were you doing A-V work on Broadway while oldguy was performing?

Or are you members of the same church choir (I believe Bertha plays the organ there)?

And are you an oldguy too?

Mark, how do you and oldguy know each other?
I work for his son's Mike and Jim (Manager). I'm 41 so ......yep, I'm an old guy too.

oldguy knew i had a home recording studio so he came to me with his ideas and it looked like fun so here we are.


I am glad you have joined us Mark... Thank you so much for helping Oldguy make us laugh... :)

I am glad you have joined us Mark... Thank you so much for helping Oldguy make us laugh
I'm glad to be here, and thank you all for being so kind :clap:

I just watched your youtube chips and they were great!

Thank-you Mark for helping oldguy.

Pssss...oldguy, my Mom thinks your hot! So do I! lol

Keep up those clips on youtube and you'll be famous! More

so than this year's HGs!

I :heart2: oldguy !!!!!!


How about OG on an exercise bike with the Dirty Hookers as his back up singers ????

..... ohhh.... maybe use a 'green screen' so you can pick any background to go with the song

(agree... ditch the Speedo)



I haven't been able to watch the new clips yet. As soon as I do, though, I will be back. I look forward to seeing them!


I can picture it now, Slowpoke ======

I'll be huffing and puffing on the exercise bike while


GOODTIME GIRLS CHORUS in a rousing rendition of the song of her choice =====


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