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Saturday, August 25th Live Feed Discussion


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I hope this is the place to put this but here goes

I am really fed up with the feeds. We are paying for these and we are not getting what is advertised. They say we get 24/7 but then they cut out all the competitons they stop anything form the DR they control our experience by limiting what we see, and yet they say it is a 24/7 experience it a load of crap and not really worth what we pay for this its more like 20/7 or less when you count all the intermissions and the hours that we are interrupted sorry just had to get this off my chest

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I said a little earlier in the thread that it has been horrible tonight. We are getting constant FOTH and it's really pissing me off. I agree that they shouldn't cut to FOTH every time they have to yell at the HGs about something. I can maybe understand not showing the comps because they still need people to watch the shows, but everything else should be fair game.

Is it true that Shotoo viewers don't get FOTH?

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Did I miss something? Zach just walked out onto the patio on BBAD and ED and Jess are out there talking and ED says to Zach " He's back....Zach says, I'm bored, ED says, Yeah..I'm fake sleep walking......

Is that random? Any other season yes, but considering that Eric had to "fake sleepwalk" as AP this year.....

Just seemed kinda strange


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Dep, Zach's refrence to fake sleep walking is a reply to a coment that Dick made earlier. Zach said he was going to bed to work on his FSA(fake sleep aliance), and then came right back outside and interupted Dick and Jess 5 min later. Dick then asked what are you doing, fake sleep walking? This all hapened about 20 min after BBA started.

And I usually get comercials about every half hour on BBA. What I hate is that they seem to be scheduled before the show, and happen right in the middle of conversations, and then they will come back and you will miss 5 min right in the middle. Also, the show always seems to end right when something good is about top happen. But it is still better than getting FOTH every couple of minutes.

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I think that Jess did the best thing considering that she was influenced by Eric's AC. If she was going to put up either Dick or Daniel then she needed to puit them both up to be sure that one of them went home. When she decided to take Eric's advice and put up Amber, then she needed to avoid putting up either of the Donato's, and with Jameka being so close to her, that only left Zach.

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I know you are a Danille fan but D&D have to be broken up and she may not get another chance . I knew Dumb bottle blond would have to do whatever Eric said . Maybe Amber and Danille would have been better.

Amber would vote for Danille so Jess would cancel that vote

Zach votes with HOH and Jess could have sweet talked him.

Jameka would vote for Amber.

What are the odds that Danille or Dick would win POV of course that has to be taken into consideration . But getting D&D out is fading fast.

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nomatter what, the donatos are staying this week. good thing too!

lets say Jameka or one of the Noms win POV... lets say Zach wins POV, so they put up DICK...

well here are the votes

jess-dick-amber cant vote

Daniele votes out Amber

Jameka votes out Dick

Zach votes out Dick

Eric votes for america, AND that WONT BE DICK. so its a tie.

and eric would def. tell her to vote out amber. (that would give him more money)

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Jess made the right noms. Hoping she can backdoor one of the Donatos. Preferably Dani even though as a viewer I would prefer Dick to be gone. But thinking final 2, get rid of Dani. She is more sympathetic. She can play the "they put me in this house with my DAD card and cry and stuff.

ED is exactly what his initials stand for. I prefer FT.


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