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Amber Week 8 Evicted


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I don't think so, she stated that the reason that she quit was because a doctor told her something like she was stupid and that her daughter would be the one who suffered from her drug use.


This is stupid of me to even ask, but.....

Could people stop bashing Amber for being a meth addict? If she was strong enough to get off of it and stay clean, she deserves a TON of respect and support. I see people everyday who are hooked and it is a hard habit to escape from.

If Amber really is a recovering Meth addict...I would like to ask that maybe we all cut her some slack. She is being made fun of enough this season (by me included). Could we just agree to give her credit and acknowledge the fact that she has beaten Meth addiction?

Could we show SOME compassion?



I posted in another thread, but to be fair, thought it should be placed here. I actually think it should be a main topic. Definately a topic that should be discussed by everyone and not just people who see the amber thread, but......

This is stupid of me to even ask, but.....

Could people stop bashing Amber for being a meth addict? If she was strong enough to get off of it and stay clean, she deserves a TON of respect and support. I see people everyday who are hooked and it is a hard habit to escape from.

If Amber really is a recovering Meth addict...I would like to ask that maybe we all cut her some slack. She is being made fun of enough this season (by me included). Could we just agree to give her credit and acknowledge the fact that she has beaten Meth addiction?

Could we show SOME compassion?


Could people stop bashing Amber for being a meth addict?

It was not my intention to bash Amber for having been a meth addict. I was trying to bash her for being unstable. Her having beat her addiction to meth is one of the few things that I respect her for. I also have seen many meth addicts, and know quite a few personally. I have seen the devastation that is caused by this drug many times, and it is not a pretty thing, nor is it an easy addiction to beat. I am not even saying that she is a bad mother, all I was trying to say is that I just hope that her daughter gets the care that she needs and deserves, and does not have to deal with the delusional trainwreck that we have been watching for the last few weeks on a daily basis.


I think this girl is not only delusional about the game she is playing, but she is delusional about her inability to see she needs serious mental health care. I think she is very bipolar II (able to touch reality and keep some control of it/on flip side, depression until something that is new in her favor shakes her out of it)...

IF BB House doesn't realize this, and I am certain they do, then they are very very cruel to have someone on this show who could go over the edge and cause herself real problems down the road (no problems to the house guests)...

Keep in mind Amber doesn't know what is being fed to all of us from the show. She has no idea her crying jags are being edited for tv...and I am sure those Diary room sessions don't just include the crying. I suspect she will be incredibly embarrassed when she finally sees the episodes..and quite frankly could cause her a major depressive episode..for being so embarrassing in front of television viewers.

Or...an alternative, I am all wet, none of this will mean a ^&&* thing to her and she will go casually on her way in life.

Lynn in San Diego


I have pittied Amber from day one, and have felt very sorry for

her family. I think when she leaves BB she's going to have

some real problems. I've said in other posts that she was one

of my least favorite HGs and she is....I wish she had never got

chosen for BB because of her mental illness. Yes, I have laugh

at what she has said or done a few times because it was funny.

What she said to the make-up artist was funny and I don't think

Amber thought about what she was saying....she speaks before

she thinks.

JMHO :pixiedust: and I value everyone's here at Morty's :heart2:


Dep....I'm very glad she's off meth....I'm very thankful

that I don't have any friends or family with a drug problem.

I hope after she gets home that she'll have a good suport

system so she'll stay clean. She's my least favorite HG and

I have laughed at some of the stuff she says and does. I wish

she had never been picked for BB. I truely think that meth fried

some of her brain cells and she has a mental illness.

I was on Paxil for three years....because I saw someone killed

in front of me. I'm grateful I don't need meds anymore.

Anyway I watch TV for the entertainment value and Amber isn't

entertaining at all. I do hope she's voted off soon.JMHO :pixiedust:

Note: I had a very hard time getting off Paxil so I guess I do know

alittle about how hard it is .....meth is alot more addictive I know.

But I still had a hard time.....So yes I do admire Amber for kicking

the drugs. :heart2: I pray that she stays off drugs.


I feel sorry for Amber but I still dont like her. I respect her for getting off the drugs. That takes strength. I agree with dep I dont think its right to bash her for former drug use. Atleast shes clean now. BUT I STILL DONT LIKE HER!!!!! JMO and 2 cents!


I'm with you Dep....anyone who can break an additiction has some kind of self-control....I've been embarrased for Amber many times, and especially her entrance on the Power of 10...but I have seen numerous ppl on Deal or No Deal who have looked liked idiots...I really think that Amber handle her tearful side very well....I couldn't believe that she was not a blubbering mess...instead she went on the deep end with "silliness."

It really bothered me when BB showed Amber getting out of the HOH tub naked. All I could imagine was how her family and friends were going to handle this...Amber should have worn a bathing suit like other HG, but she lacks the skills to make good decisions....BB has edited this show to point out the worst side of each player....

I was not impressed how BB made Amber look when she kept asking what certain words mean...I have been in the same situation about not knowing what some words meant. My vocabulary is not large, so when people make fun of my lack of word knowledge, I feel very dumb...but I'm not....the only way that a person can learn new words is to ask or search the dictionary....I went back and got my High School Diploma, and then attended 5 years in college and nursing school to earn a RN degree at 49....so having a big vocabulary does not measure a person's intellegence....

IMHO, Amber appears to me to be someone who did not have a stable up-bringing...she seems to have low self-esteem issues...and she is a very emotional person...but Amber does come across as being a nice person for the most part....she is a new christian, so she will grow in her knowledge of how a christian should act....please don't slam me for my opinion....if you disagree, it is ok...this is just how I have perceived her....She is by far not one of my favorite people to listen to, but neither are ED, Zach, Eric, or Dani...Dick is probably educated, but he has shown that he has a problem with tackful dictionary skills, LOL....

I will continue to read these post because they have been fun and informative, but I will not make fun of Amber's lack of ????????????


As I said before, Amber has high self-esteem and I don't see anything wrong with that. But, she's in the house for public viewing and like those hg's before her and those who will be on the show in the future they are all open for discussion by viewers because they choose to make their private lives public.


I am sorry, but I really think Amber is delusional and has issues, and by the way she talks soo highly of herself makes me think she has very low self-esteem, which is all tied up in her drug use. And While I do give her credit for quitting, she is a long way from having kicked the habit. She needs a 12 step program, or some kind of professional help, you do not just quit drugs or alcohol when you are addicted, it is an ongoing process, something some addicts fight on a daily basis, to even a minute by minute basis, so for her to just say "I quit" and that is the end of it is BS, and I am not sure that her quitting was a long enough time before she went into the BB house, and that could be why we are seeing such erratic behavior and emotionalism, I think you are sooo confused as a person when you have been doing drugs or are medicating yourself with alcohol that you do not know who you are. She has a long way to go, I do feel for her in that respect, and I think it was a HUGE MISTAKE to have gone into the BB house and try to play this game when you are so vunerable from just quitting drugs, now she will come out read all the negitive things that has been said and it really could throw her right back into her addiction. Alcohol and drugs have a way of sneaking back into your life if you aren't working a program and have some kind of really great support system in place. I hope she can find the peace and help she needs so badly.


I keep remembering how we all thought she could win the game when we first saw their profiles. Mike, too. We've been wrong about so many of them. When I compare now to then, I just feel badly for her.


please do not tell me ambers vision will come true...dick is actually hosting the POV

we will not be able to live with her if one of her visions comes true


I hope for once one of her visions come true, she will remove herself, and then lets see who America pics to replace her with. :animated_scratchchin: Could cause a little more entertainment for the next few days, don't you think? :animated_rotfl:


Sorry, but I'm hoping she's not around to win HoH next week.

I want her final vision to be seeing herself walk out the door this Thursday.


NEAT-O moderators....glad u put all the Amber topics in one!!!!!

Fatcat: ditto to u for your entire post....with me having a nursing degree, i agree with Amber coming on BB....She should not be on this show because she still has a lot of issues that need to be dealt with....i hope she stays off these sites and get into an adiction therapy....


Dep, thanks for reminding us of the good part of Amber. I think most of us got caught up in the silliness of her visions, the meaness of her remarks against Jewish people and her previous incessant crying that we forgot to give her kudos for trying to turn her life around.

I hope her family will make sure she continues with her recovery efforts once this season is over. She is still young and obviously has a lot of growing to do and hopefully the significant people in her life can shield her from the likes of us.


I definately don't like her, and I hope that now, since she didn't win the POV, she walks out the door on Thursday over Zach.


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