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Amber Week 8 Evicted


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My guess is you're going home this week, unless you win POV.

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I haven't liked Waahmber from week 1 with all that crying. Then she apparently "found God" and began praying, which in the normal course of events would be considered a good thing by most people, but the way she keeps looking at the cameras, and that fake prayer and fake crying after the POV was ridiculous and insincere. Then, you have her collassaly prejudicial opinions regarding anyone from NY and Jews spewing from her mouth, and the whole "what does that mean" thing going on, well suffice it to say she is still one of the ones who I can not stand in that house. I mean, seriously, how can you live in Vegas, and not know what some of those words mean??

In watching the show on Tuesday, hubby and I came up with the clue as to why "God" keeps sending her faulty "Visons" . Its because she is apparently taking advise, and receiving visions from LOKI the Trickster God, and that is why it is always close, but not quite right. :outfitted_pirate:

as always, just my humble opinion, not worth 2 cents :animated_rotfl:


poor vocabulary-having necklace-scraping cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat-crying self-aggrandizing situational-praying oh-i-deserve-to-win-because-im-a-single-mom-and-a-good-person delusional yukkkkkkkk


first i spit the mouth full of soda all over the place :drool:

then i sat there and asked myself if she really said that :shocking::scared::faint:

then i laughed hysterically :smilielol::animated_rotfl:


My reaction was the same.

Boy, she has a real warped sense of herself doesn't she?

"Bubbly"...what, spit bubbles?


I thought it was her way of letting the make-up artist know that she (Amber) is delusional.


I was really embarrassed for her. If the whole world didn't know she was dellusional before then they do now. I don't understand her. Even someone who was actually well liked and knew it wouldn't go around saying, "yeah everyone will love me". She makes me sick.


I was amazed at how confident she looked doing the arm pump thing when she was introduced. Definitely delusional.


Has there ever been anyone who stayed this long in the house that was lower in the CBS polls than Amber? It seeems to me that everyone in the last few seasons maintained a higher average while in the house. Do you think that she has any fans at all? Maybe the .05 vote is just her family.


I thanked her for a much needed laugh & secretly hoped that she would win a bit of money on the Power of 10 to help pay for her post BB therapy sessions &/or extended psychiatric hospital stay :grin2:


As far as a gameshow contestant, i thought she was great. I liked the confident Amber and I really thought she looked good.


I almost feel bad for her....What is she going to think when she comes out and reads what was/is said about her?

Although, it wasn't quite as funny as her being America's Next Top Model or an inspirational speaker...


I was completely dumbfounded! I've said before she is amazingly self-righteous...and this just proves it! UNNNNbelievable~And, um...aren't Christians supposed to be humble?



i really think that if they would have had a longer introduction and more separated people would have boo'd amber...that's what i had hoped would happen


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