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Dick Week 8


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My feelings on Dick have flipfloppped constantly in the game. At first he was my favorite. Then I disliked his nastiness towards the women. Now that he's calm, I like him again. I'd definitely like to party with that guy! ha

That said...if Dick or Dani win HoH next week and put up Eric or Jess I hope neither of them win.

Truth of the matter is, everyone should realize they have a 4 alliance, and the others Zach, Amber and Jameka COULD get the votes to win if they get to the final. The 4 need to stick together at this point. One pair of the alliance would be guaranteed a nice payday if they don't play stupid.

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I know Dick is sick of ZAch

Yes, I noticed him talking behind Zacks back....

[sarcasm eyeroll] Any moment Dick is going to dump ice tea on Zacks head and blow smoke in his face to get the ball rolling on his out and out Zack attack...[/sarcasm eyeroll]

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last night eric and dick were talking about if they were both final 2 they would tell the jury "F-You, you have to vote one of us to win... hahahaha"

lmao, that's a hard vote to predict with Eric stil having some "moves" to make.

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You know, I could actually see Eric and Dick doing that. "Hey loser jury, you either vote for an a**hole or snake?" And then proceed to tell the jury exactly what they think of them (But Eric tells them how Dick feels and Dick tells them how eric feels).

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I don't like the word "malcontents." We are all entitled to our opinions, right? Also, the baiting and calling others "Dick haters," etc. is getting really, really old. It's against the rules.

I have always felt that Dick has a very gregarious side. When he is getting his way. I would say he acts like a spoiled teenager in that respect, but my son has better manners and is much better behaved, and he just turned 15.

I have tried to stay away from Dick's arrest record, as people have demanded proof and I have never been sure of what his arrest record is. The fact is that BB broke its own rules to have Dick and Daniele in the house. Dick with his arrests, which he, himself, has admitted more than once, and Daniele with her age. The touching father/daughter moments were worth it to BB. I think it was a horrible idea, because it could have gone wrong, but BB has always proven that they aren't afraid to play with lives (hence the brother/sister "twist" with Nakomis and Cowboy, which was beyond tasteless).

Now that Dick has straight up talked about his jail time and his DUI's, I can officially say that I hate him, for personal reasons. Not only do I hate his personality, but I feel he is a disgusting individual. No one who drives drunk is okay with me, ever. I can see doing it once and then learning from the mistake, but he does it over and over. He's a waste of air.

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No one who drives drunk is okay with me, ever. I can see doing it once and then learning from the mistake, but he does it over and over. He's a waste of air.

That is something that disgusts me too. I did not know Dick had done that over and over. ???

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I read this about his DUI this morning... He only said it was DUI once... I have an uncle that almost died due to a drunk driver and I have to say that I tend to be rough on people that drink even one drink and drive... And YES that includes Dick...

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From yesterday's BB page.

"11:35PM BBT: They are starting a new game called "chandelier." Zach explains they'll try it "and if it totally sucks" they'll play something else. Dick telling a story of when he was in Jail for DUI and says he had this guy say to him "I'll give you my bread for your beets."

Dick telling them all the Jails he's been in Riverside, LA County and in Hollywood Jails. The one in Hollywood for DUI and he told them,

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I had to go back and look at it to see if he actually said the other arrests were for DUI or not--they might not have been. That is how I interpreted it. I'm very touchy on the subject of DUI, for personal reasons. Just the fact that he did it once is enough to make me resent him and dislike him. If he did it again after that, it's enough to make me hate him, plain and simple, and I make no apologies for it.

I've heard him say before that he's been arrested five times. But I didn't transcribe it at the time, and I didn't have the "proof" from the Smoking Gun or anything to back it up. I guess some people need that--I believe it when it comes out of his own mouth.

So, I'm not sure if he did DUI more than once, or if the other arrests are for other things. I really don't care--I can't stand him.

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For anyone interested his legal name is Richard Louis Donato, age 44. He mostly has addresses in Long Beach, CA; Huntington Beach, CA; and Bellflower, CA. The records I found include relatives named Christine, Janine, Louis, Vincent L, Daniele, and Charlotte. They do include one record for Domestic Violence and two for DUI's. I will post the stuff I found if I can figure out how to make the link public. Police records are usually public in most states.

(these were all within the last 5 years btw)

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I will say this... We don't know the circumstances of the domestic violence arrests, so can't really judge... My oldest son was arrested for domestic violence because he and his wife were in an argument and he walked away from her into another room and threw a glass at the wall... Everyone told the police he didn't hit her or throw the glass at her, but they still took him to jail for it...

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Thank you, Snancypants!!

That's true--domestic violence charges can be in the eye of the beholder. I wonder if he was ever actually tried, or took a plea bargain, or what?

I do know Daniele has talked about how abusive Dick was with her and her brother. She said he got right in their face and was screaming at them and spit was hitting them in the face, and they were terrified. So, I believe that, too.

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Yana I agree completely. I have no idea of the situation behind the Domestic Violence arrest nor did the report I saw say there was a conviction. All I saw was the arrest record. Likewise it did not state if the DUI's resulted in convictions.

My own son got arrested for a DUI 5 years ago. He got more punishment from us than he did from the state actually. While the state took his license for 6 months (he was not legal drinking age either) and made him go to driving school, my husband and I parked the vehicle we had paid for, cancelled his insurance that we paid for and made him also go to 5 MADD meetings and speak one on one with the families of two people who were killed by drunk drivers. So far it seems to have made an impression.

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