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Time To Lighten The Mood....dangit (zen Room)


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Nice stitch in the thread, Dawnie.

That's a wonderful moment in time. Write it down somewhere, make it an anniversary for a while!

Is that your beebee did you say? (get it? BB.... baby....beebee :animated_rotfl: )

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If the pic I saw of you Dep is your real pic you are such an attractive princess, kiss kisss, hug hug,lol

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Cool Katy.....love that page!

After reading some of the other threads I come back over here

and I feel love only love.....LOL :grouphug:


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I for sure won't get any work done now....hehe

I myself was good for an hour (in between reading posts, of course!)

And I'll bet you never saw the rest of the pages - they get better!

(scroll to bottom and click on 'next')

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YAY dawnie!!! of course its not the first time you ever experienced this kinda thing... but its still cool that its the first with THIS baby! good news! love that first kick... but by the last kick i was ready to kick him back! hahahahahaha

hope you dont let the baby watch BB with you... he might come out saying vile things! :o oh my! use head phones while listening to the feeds will you!

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