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Guest Kalla

According to Sarah she has slept in 3 different beds over the past three nights' "I get around!" (grins) ~ Sarah

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"I'm trying to walk around like Howie, get my body going, released."-Yvette (Yvette did Howie impresion).

Then the HG's laughed and asked what Howie was doing earlier. No one seemed to know.

"We think you were touching yourself & then the mic got moved."-Eric

"Well then they wouldn't have told me to stop if that was the case."-Jennifer

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"I dated a jewish guy once and he was totally psycho" -Ashlea

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Guest Kalla

"The only problem with Eric is that he is Jewish." ~ Ashlea

"I wouldn't date Micheal, I hate facial hair." ~ Ashlea

"My most unattractive guy wouls be a white Irish guy with red hair." ~ Ahlea

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"If Eric was tall he'd be cute"-Ashlea

"Yea, he'd probably have the best body in the house if he was tall."-Yvette

Michael's Irish and white and that's why Ashlea doesn't like him. She doesn't like facial hair. She also likes guys to have spiked hair.

"My most unatrractive guy would be a white guy with freckles and red hair. . . I like tall, dark, and handsome."-Ash

"Nipple-clamps"-Yvette about giant clothes pins that Beau was playing with.

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sarah said she said that she agreed that she would vote ashlea out but now that she knows her, she doesn't know if she will...

sarah also said that kaysar really wants to be there...

sarah said that janelle said that the girls were gonna vote out the guys, but no one told janelle that... sarah said that janelle said that it is a guy/girl thing, but sarah doesn't think so... sarah doesn't like that janelle lied to her...

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Guest Kalla

Sarah to Beau " I don't want to vote Ashlea off...."

Beau..."I know, I'm in the same boat."

Sarah, "I told Rachal I would support her"

Sarah.."It's not a guy/girl think AT all!"

Sarah keeps saying "she", who is she referring too?

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Sarah in the gold room talking about who they are going to vote for and Sarah said "she has already lied to me and I don't like that"... She had said before that she knew she had said eariler that she liked Ashlea but now... and she trailed off... and Beau said yeah I'm in the same boat... Sarah just said the two people I feel I can trust right now are Rachel and you Beau...

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Guest Familiar Realm

lol at Jennifer telling Michael he is a psycho movie man.. or something. I can't remember.. Did Michael say what his occupation was?

James telling them he is a teacher, brilliant! haha

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The sheets in the gold bedroom are 100% silk-no wait, they are cotton-Beau.

Beau & Sarah are talking strategy. It seems they think Ashlea should go. Kaysar really wants people to get to know him.

"Jennifer said 'oh they told me we were voting off Kaysar' and nobody told her that. She's already stuff that's a lie."-Sarah to Beau

Jennifer also told Sarah she thought they should vote off all the guys.

Rachael & April are the only ones Sarah trusts. Beau agreed about April.

"You can't tell if people are really being themselves."-Beau

"Rachael's been a really good HOH; she's been great."Beau "Hard shoes to fill."Yvette

"Janelle's drunk so I was hoping to get her down here in my bed. You'd have Micheal & I'd have Janelle."-Yvette to Beau

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Guest Shockalot

Eric does his best impression of Pacino "Fohhhgett about It"

One of the girls asks if he is Jewish (?)

Eric says "Oh Yeah"

She asks 'Really?"

He replies "Ohhh Yeah"

[i think it was Eric.. this is my first post and this *#!** Realone player is showing me 14 Black people in a Dark Room]

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