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Do You Remember The House Ever Getting This Boring?


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every season has its boring moments. even BB HGs need a day off now and then.

last year when some of the HG got to see a movie up in the HOH, the others downstairs were the biggest downers of all time. and then when the movie was over, they came downstairs and trashed it.

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This is what it's going to be like for the next few weeks. The only nominees that would spice things up would be Eric, Dick or Danielle. If it's just Zach, Amber and Jameka up the next three weeks it's going to be boring as hell.

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:sleep1: This has been a very boring day. I am sooooooo mad. I had to stop procrastinating. I planned a surprise party for a friend (bartender)the best kind of friend, made new business cards, new advertisement, new flyer, ordered more inventory, made Sunday supper, laid out in my pool, did some laundry, watched two movies, watch BB8 on tv, did facials, it is sooooooo fruuustraaaaatiiiiiiiing. But I did get alot accomplised. :beer: It's time!!
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The last high point was Wednesday, into Thursday, with the Dustin eviction. For me, that show was boring, except for the drop jaw look Dustin gave America, as he left the house.

That nights HOH comp was boring, and had no tension in it at all.

Since then, it's been a mutual admiration society. The big four running the game is boring.

What would spice it up, is Wham-Jam going off on someone. Instead of conducting their little strategy/whine sessions alone and between them, they should get in Eric's face and tell him what a backstabber he is. And then go to D/D, and tell them how Eric is bashing them behind their backs. Which is what Eric had done, when he gives his little pep talks to Wham-Jam. But they are either still afraid of ED, or don't like him so much, that they will ruin their game over him.

Wham-Jam both have used their particular character attributes to get things they want in the game. Jam goes off on ED, Whamber goes on a crying jag for the pity pat...but they are keeping those behaviors to themselves now.

Step up to the plate, Wham-Jam!! If not for America, then for your own game play!

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I don't think chores would spice things up at all. Not sure what would, but they need some kind of drama. I think if Jess cought Eric giving Dani a little birthday lovin it would liven things up a little.

I think it would be quite entertaining to see them do chores. Heck, they want butter with their bread then they should churn it. Washing clothes with a tub and washboard could be productive to strategy..they'll have something to do while talking game.

They could have comps and those who win get to do less chores or less difficult work. For instance, player #1 always wins comps and never has to get on her hands and knees and scrub the kitchen floor with a toothbrush...could you imagine how much player #1 would be hated and the target would be on her. Oh yeah, fun and games with chores!

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I don't see how doing chores would make it more exciting... watching them churn butter every night isn't going to be much different than sitting around talking or playing beer pong. If I remember correctly, didn't they actually have to wash their own clothes in one of the seasons?

It will get more exciting as soon as one of the 4 gets put on the block.

Maybe they should have more luxury competitions or just have competitions for normal things.. like showers.

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sadly the only drama is when dick or his daughter gets put on the block

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Usually around this time, they get crafts (like making the pinatas) and stuff like that to do. I don't understand why CBS isn't doing stuff like that this year. I think this group would really enjoy it. Well, most of them, anway.

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