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Sunday's Show 8/19


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:animated_rotfl: @ fizzle.

Zach would like "Thanks man" but Dick would look at Eric and be shaking his head plus it would be on Show2. If Jess wins it could further there relationship. I do wonder what the houseguest will say when he pulls out his woobie after being in the house for 48 days? Won't they wonder where it has been all of this time?

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i just cant see him doing that... with his mohawk and all. does he have a sister that maybe helped him? if any guy did that for me, i would run... run so far away... (flock of seagulls song... "please stop singing")

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I voted for him to give it to Zach, just because i think it would be unny. if eric HAS to give the woobie to Zach or Dick, could he make it something like a beer pong bet? would that count?

BTW - Daniele is the fakest phoney on the planet, and I don't think these people notice... :animated_shocking:

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