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Who Is Getting The Boot *spoilers*


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J: i'm not going to the jury house unless it's week 5 or later.

J: what's the stipend at? 3,000 dollars?

D: yeah something like that

J: I'll tell them.. i'll walk home if you don't wanna drive me. they're gonna hate me if i get evicted cuz I totally

would do that. guess im putting on my tennis shoes thursday to walk home. They'll call me in the DR

and yell at me. I'm sure Dustin's there cuz he's fine with the stipend

From live feeds,

Jen is a hoot :animated_rotfl:

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-I don't know where this reply or post will end up...been unable to post for about a week and half...durn MAC reads things different maybe.

-Anyway, I have been wanting to say this since the topic came up....re: Eric's woobie (sp?)...I hope people voted that DICK receive it instead of Jessica. That would be a hoot and would throw Dick and Jessica for one heck of a loop, eh? :rockon:

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me post..even Morty...all I can do is a general post and not reply to anyone...so it is PFA when I do (Plucked from Air)...which is a darn good thing to know if any of you are going to college: PFA for your "References cited" or "Footnotes"...

Profs have no idea (or most of them) what that means-Plucked From Air. :offtopic:


-Am off the subject...Danielle's (from the little I have read) POV switch was brillant today...Amber is no threat and to keep Amber and Zameka in the game as long as possible makes for good jury individuals.

-I haven't read your posts...but of the 4 group..have they talked on who goes first or just that who gets HOH and then it is a done deal....if Amber gets the next HOH...Dick and Danielle again..agree? Eric/Dick/Jessica HOH Amber and Zameka... :sherlockani:

-I don't understand something...have not watched/once again read: Why is Jen hated so much in the game?? Clue me in. :rolleyes4:

Thanks...hopefully I can find my way back here again. :pray2:

Lynn from San Diego


PS I seem to love smileys-sigh

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I want Jameka out...

What would be THE COOLEST EVER would be if AP was for Jameka to be evicted and Eric could somehow pull off getting Zach and Jess to switch their votes to evict Jameka.

It would be PRICELESS to watch another of Daniele's backdoor plans EVAPORATE in her whiny little horse face. :party_smilie:

I'm just saying...

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