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Who Is Getting The Boot *spoilers*


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Eric & Jen have an agreement to go to the F2...he also has this same agreement with Jess....Jen has to GO or ERIC...America could make this painless for Eric by voting Jen...Amber's field trip with Daniele will get her a deal to come off as long as she votes to evict Jen...

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I've got $5 that says Dani puts up Eric in Amber's place.

She really hated him and swore she'd back out of the deal immediately after Eric left the room.

Her dad was against it, but it ain't his HoH.

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ohh...that would be interesting. I really didn't consider that scenario because I really thought D&D wouldn't do the dirty work of going after E&J...they'd let Zach do it instead...or duke it out in final 4 like they've promised. Strategically it makes sense for Dani to put Eric up as a replacement...I think he'd be out the door. Who'd vote to keep him in except Jess and maybe Jen. Jam/Wham would vote to keep eachother in and Dick and Zach would vote how Dani wants them to.

I wouldn't bet money on it though....I really think the decision has been made to backdoor Jen. Not as advantageous to D&D though.

This will turn out interesting....If Jen goes up as a replacement in pov...I think America will vote to keep Jen over Wham. (Who knows how America will vote if it's Jen vs Jam (?).) This would cause Eric to vote against D&D...severing ties with them yet again. Jess would probably vote with Eric and maybe Jess can sway Zach to vote out Jam or Wham as well (?). I don't see Jam or Wham voting against each other. If it's a tie...Dani makes the call and Jen's out. If Eric could convince either Zach or whomever is taken off the block to evict the other...Jen could be safe. That'll be a tough sell. Maybe Jess will have to use her female powers of persuasion to elicit Zach's vote.

This will really be a tough eviction to predict...unless America targets Jen and then it's a no brainer.

edit:...oops...can't be a tie with 5 voters...lol!

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No way the white trash team of D&D will put Jen up .What remains to be seen is after Eric has the dumb blond Jess of course follow to vote with him to keep Jen is how hard he will try to get Zach on board or one of the other two .

I will Laugh when the WT skinny skank puts Zach up later on in the game and he is a fool not to help Jen.

Eric saying wouldent it be kewl if the 4 of us in the DR heckling her when she gets evicted (jen) talk continues between the trios..

From the livefeeds . Wow monkey boy is one classy piece of crap is he not !

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It's beyond me why they would want to get rid of Jen now..so soon. For the last few weeks she's sat in their pocket like a good little robotic puppy doing whatever they wanted her to do. Down the road, when they want to toss out Eric or Jess, they'll need her the most. Why on Earth would they choose to get rid of someone they CAN control, over someone like Jameka, who they obviously can't??? They're dumb. If it wasn't for America, they'd (D&D) be gone by now.

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America will vote to evict Amber or Jameka over Jen. Eric better be prepared to campaign hard for Jen this week, or America will take vengeance yet again.

What I DON'T understand is that Zach is so delusional to think that he is with D&D. If Jen goes this week and he doesn't win HOH he is the next one out the door. I hope that Eric and Jess can convince him to keep Jen. She is a wildcard and that's why it would be smart to keep her and use her to break up the alliances.

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arrowhead, you seriously like her in the butt-crack bikinis? you don't think she'd look more beautiful and sexier in a classic black bikini that was skimpy but where you seriously do not see her you- know -what winking at you? i'm just curious. i think jen is very beautiful...but that her bathing suits and clothes detract from her appearance, instead of enhancing it. but maybe she dresses for men, not for women...although my husband thinks her suits are not great, either.

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honest answer! i don't think many men mind. but i still contend...a little mystery would be even more powerful. the bathing suits are "wearing" her...in my opinion...when she is beautiful enough to wear the suit and just let herself shine through.

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still jen imho

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She's taking Amber down because their is the plausible cover story that Amber offered her safety should Amber win HoH. Jameka has nothing to offer. Dani doesn't want it to look like Jen was the target all along. Also she figures more people might vote to evict Amber than would vote to evict Jameka since Jam is not currently a threat.

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Why is Daniele taking Amber down instead of Jameka?

because amber would owe her one

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I think it was better to take out Amber for D&D.

Dani had agreement with Jen, Eric and Jess are back to using their alliance with Amber and Jam.

I don't trust Eric and Jess sticking to the agreement they made with Dani and Dick.

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i trust them because if they dont they lose two jury vote and jess you think she would like to be on dick bad side. plus that agreement is the only way eric would make final jess would have made it either way. screwing over dustin is lights years easy for jess then it would be dick. her voice was trembling even when she nominated him

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I would just love for Amber to win Hoh next week and be the reason Danielle is booted. Karma would do that blonde moron right.

amber swore on her daughter life she wouldnt put up D&D. so no karma will happen

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zach and jess she said

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Dani has no control over who Amber puts up. Why would it have anyting to do with Dick or Daniele?

Daniele would be stupid not to get a deal for protection. She just asked for 1 week but Amber gave it to her for the end of the game. Amber swore on her daughter's life.

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