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If Eric Were To Win A Hoh, Does America Get To Select Who Gets Nominated For Eviction


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If Eric wins HOH does he, or America, get to select who get nominated?

If America selects who goes on the block, my guess is that Eric will always throw all HOH competitions, otherwise he might be forced to put people on the block who he considers part of his alliance.

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Will he know who the other is before he starts putting the keys in or will it be a last minute anouncement? If they give him the other name, he would have time to convince the others WHY he did it. But if it's someone like Jameka at the last minute, he would have TONS of explaining to do.

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I don't think Eric will ever get HOH but if he does I'd like

to see him put up Dustin and Amber....third choice would

be Jameka...... :bump:

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America's player is doing his best to keep America out of the game.

I agree. I don't like Eric, but I can understand that being the AP doesn't help him any. This whole Ap thing is a big failure becaue Eric at best gives lip service to the whole thing, and then does what he feels is in his best interest.

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If by some miracle he were to win HoH we would only get to pick one of his nominations thought, I think, but what would be cool is if his own nomination were to win PoV and we got to replace them with another from his own group hahahahaha...

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. . . . And this year's Morty Award for the longest title of a thread - "If Eric Were to Win a HoH, Does America Get to Select Who Gets Nominated for Eviction, and . .

does Eric throw hoh competitions?" - is . . .

~~~music interrupts announcement of the winner and oldguy is escorted from the stage by a beautiful


Just kidding, Echo - it's a good topic!

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I would love to see him accidentilly get HOH just to see him sweat. I don't think he understands what the privlidge and meaning of being AC is. At this point I could deal with Eric being gone. We have gotten nothing from it, but he has gotten thousands from it. How fair is that. Please make him get HOH BB. :animated_wave:

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He doesn't even have to throw the HOH competitions because the ding bat Julie Chen messes up the question......

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Since the America's Player voting closes at midnight, the results could conceivably be given to him before he even goes to bed the same night he wins HoH. But he would more likely only get the results handed to him the next morning, and have most of the day to convince everyone about his reasoning, before making his nominations .
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oh, I thought he was HOH this week by the way he was acting........I liked him in the beginning, but he's WAY too paranoid, and now I find him almost as annoying as Wahmber

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