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Thurs, Aug 9 - Live Feed Discussion Thread


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This year and particularily this week has had a very Lord of the Flies feel to it for me. Once someone says something, true or not, about someone and spreads it around so that all these paranoid people believe it it's very difficult to turn it back. It whips emotions up into a frenzy and boils over. Dick is one scary dude.

I am not excusing Eric for being stupid and mean for what he did to Amber, but D&D are organizing quite a little group of sheep to do what they want.

How come these people can't see it? Or do they and they are waiting to get HOH?

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I can totally see Jen, Jessica, Zack, and Kail letting the rest eat eachother and wreck them all by forming an alliance. Jen, Zack, and Kail are too valuable as swing votes for either side of the feud to get rid of them. Especially D&D, who need them as insurance if there's an attempt to reform that cracked alliance. And in order for Dustin, Amber and the rest to get rid of D&D, they need them too. It might be crazy to say it so early, but I think Zack is going to wind up in the final two if Jen's 9 lives run out.

Eric lost any chance at leaving this game on good terms with everybody. If he didn't pull that crap with Amber he would have been voted out anyway, the houseguests would have been told he was the AP, everything that happened with the rogue votes would have made sense, they'd all have a good laugh and move on.

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I don't agree that the sheep will follow until Kail, Jen, and Zack are out. I think that depending on who gets HOH next week, the tide will turn. If Dick gets it, I do not think that he will put up Jen and Kail again. Possibly Kail but I think that Dustin and Amber will be targets.

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Daniele and Dick are sticking to Amber like glue, either one or both of them. I wonder if they are going to try to get her to cast her vote against Eric rather than relying on Dustin. If they are as smart and smooth as they think they are, they'd better find a way to get her to kill her daughter (since she swore on poor Lexie's life).

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Everytime I think I have it, I don't. Is Eric staying or going???? Is Dustin voting to evict or keep???? What about Jess?? Is she actually mad or just playing the part????

And....if Dustin and Jam REALLY want to get D&D out, then sending Eric home would be LAME.... so at this point it is PERSONAL and NOT STRATEGIC.....and when you start voting on personal, instead of strategic, you begin losing the game.

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Everytime I think I have it, I don't. Is Eric staying or going???? Is Dustin voting to evict or keep???? What about Jess?? Is she actually mad or just playing the part????

Looks to me like both Kail and Eric think they're staying. Jess looks like she's voting for Eric to stay, but Dustin I have no idea on. On one hand he assures Eric "Don't worry, you're staying. Just let things calm down;" on the other he swears on his mother and brother to Amber and Jameka that he's voting to evict Eric. Something isn't adding up there...

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When has this season not been personal? They have made the most ridiculous moves this year and I thought that the only 2 people that understood anything about strategy were Eric and Dustin. Unfortunately, it looks like Eric is going this week and Dustin seems to really be screwing up. I doubt if Dustin lasts 2 more weeks.

Amber seems to be playing like she thinks it's MTV's Real World.... everybody comes into the house holding hands, hangs out until the season ends, and leaves all one big happy family. The stupid girl takes it personally every time something has to leave the house.

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exactly djb....it's so odd.... I think Dustin may pull a "PHANTOM" vote...ie: vote to keep ERIC in and then try to blame it on someone else...like Jen or something... maybe he is upset that he isn't a part of this "phantom" vote thingy going on.... ;)

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ducks- I can see him doing it, but then again I think it would be SO stupid for him to do it. From the point of view of Amber and Jameka, the votes are set in stone this point. Amber and Jameka are now SURE it will go down like this:

Jess, Amber, Jameka vote for Kail

Jen, Zach, Dustin, Dick vote for Eric to leave.

Jen, Zach and Dick are entrenched. If Eric stays, A/J know it was Dustin who flipped, and Dustin alienates his two biggest allies in the house. I think Dustin is a smart enough guy to realize that.

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Has Eric talked to amber yet since this afternoon's blow up?

If he can get to her, he'll get the job done by making up another good song-and-dance story that makes her feel good.

I think he'll get the job done between now and the eviction vote.

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I think that it would be GREAT if Jen and Kail were the final 2. Everyone has underestimated them from the beginning, especially Jen.

GOOOO JENNNN!!!!!!!!! (but I am very concerned about her joining forces with the Double D's----they cannot be trusted!!) I hope that she continues to play in the best interest of herself rather than what THEY want her to do.

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I am not a fan of dustin, but his a smart player, and he controls Amber. It is Dustin best interest right now to keep Eric. So I beleive Eric has about 80% chance of staying. Dustin not stupid to play the game too personally.

Personally, I think Eric is good for the game, but I can't stand to listen to him on the feeds. He is like listening a used car salemen who just never shuts up. He is full BS, and it never ever ends, NEVER. Kail adds very little to the game, rather see her go.

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I was going to stop watching this show, seeing as how D/D appear to have regained the power, but now, I want to see those idiots Dustin, Jameka, Amber and Jessica get put on the block, get voted out by that lying crap team of D/D. It will be poetic justice.

How can they not see that a vote to dump Eric, is a vote to keep D/D? It's just like the vote for Nick, but in reverse. They will be sorry. At least Eric will definitely put up D/D, and not put up any of their '5'. D/D? They will turn on the '5' as soon as look at them. D/D will have the votes to keep running the show. And if Eric leaves , it will be his own fault, since he doesn't see the way to convince those idiots Amber, Jameka, Dustin and Jess, that a vote against him, is a vote for D/D to win.

Those two are scum. The worst kind. Dick is the worst player in BB history. Dani is his pawn. People can love Dick all they want. He's scum, a lying, backstabing, piece of garbage.

I'll take Eric any day of the week, over that red-hair dye, dumb ass pierced, self aggrandizing crap head Dick.

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