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Aug 7th: Lame Veto Competition


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I look for a thread, and couldn't find one.

I really thought it was extremely lame that the producers asked the veto players to give up $250,000 and 5 HOH competitions. Players like Jen and Kail had nearly no choice to go for broke because they were already on the block. It is like playing poker with your cards face up, how can you win under those conditions.

If they are going force players to give so much up, nobody should be on the block, and every one should be forced to play. There was (almost) nothing to win, and everything to loose.

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I totally agree. I thought that BB set the bar too high as far as the $250,000. If Jen wins, she deserves every penny of the half million. BB should find a way for those who lost the money to be able to win it back. But, there are a lot of things that I don't like or are not fair about this season. imo.

As far as the 5 lost HOH that Jameka lost, that may work in her favor. She will not be seen as a threat for quite awhile.

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The way I see it, it is like saying to a group of employees:

"We to lay off some people, tell us what is the least amount of money you are willing to work for, we will lay off the person who wants to the most amount of money".

Renee, it may indeed work in Jameka's favor, you make a very good point. I predict she will be in the final 4.

I do beleive that producers have their favorites because certian players are good for ratings. If they have a #1 favorite, it is Dick.

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Echo, you hit the nail on the head! People who do not read the threads do not see what actually goes on! They do not have the "luxury" of seeing Dick's many irrational tantrums or all of the sexually charged attacks on Jen. BB paints he and Daniele in a much different light so that they can keep Dick in the house and continue to get the ratings. Not to mention that once D & D are gone, so is the "twist" to this years BB! I also would not be surprised at all if they try to keep Jen in so that she is the winner. It keeps the profit in their pocket!

I think that BB (as well as other reality programs) have always been fixed but this year seems to be incredibly so. :animated_scratchchin:

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Renee, I don't think the producers fix it a way that the they pick the winner in advance and control the game so their favorite wins. I do believe they slant things to keep the game\show interesting and the ratings hight. Without a doubt when a popular player leaves the game, ratings drop, so particular HGs are multi-million dollar players, and Dick and Jen are such players. I also think Joe was such a player, but he left the game early.

I should state, I believe The Apprentice is totally fixed from day one. That reality show is an total illusion. They do pick the winner before the very first show. Maybe I should say they have 1-2 potential winners, and they compete. The rest are simply cast as pawns... I am OK with it because it is what it is.

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The competition was dumb, and Jen was a complete fool for giving up $250,000 I just can't believe she was capable of that. Though of course she'd look weak to all if she didn't do it because she didn't put her all in. So I guess it really is a no win for them.

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Jen is extremely tough. She never lets Dick get to her, she is the only person who can handle Dick effectively.

I just strongly feel it is unfair to put two people on the block, and force them to give up so much just to stay in the game. If the don't give it all up, the HOH, The money, slop for 30 days, etc, etc, they go home. What choice do they have if they want to stay in the game? Only two HOH (Jen & Kail) were forced to deal that catch-22, the rest had nothing to loose, or they weren't even in the POV competition. Jen had to give up 250K, there was no other choice.

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If they are going force players to give so much up, nobody should be on the block, and every one should be forced to play. There was (almost) nothing to win, and everything to loose.

I totally agree, everyone should have to compete with such high stakes on the line...

Jameka was just plain crazy though... She didn't need the veto at all... Either did Dani or whats his face... So I guess if you look at it that way, I really don't know what I think about it now....

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It looks like CBS is running out of ideals.....this whole season is turnning out to be a real dud.

I hope something happens soon......I've loved BB for six years now.....I know every year can't

be super fantastic.....but geeeees! :sleep1:

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Jameka was just plain crazy though... She didn't need the veto at all... Either did Dani or whats his face... So I guess if you look at it that way, I really don't know what I think about it now....

I not sure what to make of Jameka. She appears to be cluless on how to play BB, but if there is "non target" in BB8, she is it. I think she has reasonable chance to get the the final 4 simply by doing exactly what she is doing now, nothing. Her big mistake will come when she tries to to something :)

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I agree, the POV was really stupid. Since the people playing had everything to lose and nothing to gain, why would BB make the stakes so high? The people that wasn't playing for POV didn't risk anything. If all the players would have put 5 HOH's on the board, you would have like 3 or 4 people playing for HOH for the next 5 weeks.

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Going in, each houseguest had a 1 in 14 chance of winning $500,000.

They also had a 1 in 14 chance of winning $50,000 for second place.

So 12 of 14 houseguests would be leaving with much less.

The 5 houseguests evicted before the jury will only have received their weekly stipends for the amount of time they were in the house.

Since the 7 jury members will have all been involved in the game for its duration, they will all receive the same pay for the same number of weeks (plus whatever cash prizes they've acquired throughout the course of the game).

So $250,000 is still quite a bit of money to win, on the 1 in 14 chance you make it that far.

And giving up the chance to win $500,000 doesn't seem so bad, when compared to getting evicted at the current point, and going home with only weekly stipend money, now does it?

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You all correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the question something like "How much would you be willing to give up?" To me, *willing* to give up and *actually* giving up are two different things. Maybe I heard it wrong...

Regardless, I thought this Veto comp was rough. I felt so bad that Jameka didn't take the 10k and run.

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I think you're right Teri......I think Connie did say it that way.......I think Jam really wanted the 10,000.

but remembered how everyone got mad at Dustin for taking 5,000.00 and of course the trip..... :fyou:

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They did the same thing last year with all stars, remember? One POV was just like the one on Tuesday. The only difference is that they didn't have them give up the money. They had to eat a bunch of slop in so many seconds, give up a POV ceremony for a week, they even had to shave their heads and George won because he said he would go the remaining days on slop.

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You all correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the question something like "How much would you be willing to give up?" To me, *willing* to give up and *actually* giving up are two different things. Maybe I heard it wrong...

Thanks Terri for pointing this out, I had not caught that. I'll double check on my TiVo and see.

And...Because it was a random drawing to play in the Veto competition, those selected had no choice in the matter. So from the very first question there was nothing to win, and everything to loose. After Jen won POV, she got to stay in the game, which is not winning anything, it is just keeps her from loosing. The rest walk away with slop, no HOH for several weeks, etc.

It is one thing to see what a person is willing to do to win, but forcing them to actually for go all those things and give up half of the money is extremely unfair.

How about next week we see who is willing to have sex on camera if they want to stay in the game? Probably would be good for rating just to ask the question.... <I am being extremely sarcastic>

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