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Wed, August 8 - Live Feed Discussion Thread


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lol dick saying janelle after bb life was a local car commercial :animated_rotfl:

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I'm watching BBAD on Showtime....so boring tonight..... :sleep1:

Even Dick is mellow....

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i dont know why dick and dani are wasting time trying to convince amber

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amber dumbass just exposed the votes to d &d on where group stand on eric

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what i dont get is eric , amber , jessica, jameka dustin see d&d as the enemy but for some reason d&d dont fully get it and continue to gameplan with amber, dustin, jameka, jessica

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d&d are fools to believe they got amber to switch her vote to get eric out

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Eric just told Dustin that he is going to kiss Dick's butt tomorrow to annoy him. That means that Dick must be America's Choice!!! YAY!!!!!!
I thought Eric was supposed to suck up and try to convince AP to vote to keep him. How is annoying him going to work? Wouldn't that be a failed task?
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If the vote is 4-3, with Eric leaving, I hope Julie does what Dani suggested saying..'By a vote of 4-3, Kail, you are safe. Eric, you have been evicted from the BB house.'Also, hopefully Amber votes to get rid of Eric just to make sure it happens for real.

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if this happens i wanna see the look on jameka and jessica face

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The problem is Amber is too stupid to think for herself. Why would a sane person swear on their own child in a stupid game? All her "I love you so much" statements are sickening...she's known these people for all of 5-6 weeks..I can't believe how Jameka is playing the game ...wouldn't she think if God put her in this game that she should be working hard to win? It's just ridiculous to think that God gives a rat's patootie who wins HOH or POV....it's too bad because she's not going to win if she doesn't start working for her. The houseguests this year are annoying and none of them have learned anything from past seasons...why can't we have "real" people on B.B. ????

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the thing with amber that got me puzzle is she swore on her daughter life before and broke it but why not this time. she swore on her daughter life the convo she had with daniele in hoh room she wouldnt tell the rest but minutes later she was telling the rest the details . i dont get it scratches my head

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man amber is funny she have the nerve to say eric is f***ed up

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it would a dumb move for dustin to do it. but i think amber is stupid to believe it. she keep asking dustin are you sure you are going to do it.

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this is crazy if dick pulls this off the hg are truly afraid to go against him

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