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I absolutely couldn't stand Jessica in the first couple of weeks.. but I swear she has grown on me over time and I really like her now... She is so much smarter than I thought she was. I just couldn't get over the voice.. but even that is getting easier to handle lol.. I am rooting for her.. I also think she is playing Eric a little.. But I think they are really cute together. Fizzle I hope you are right and that it is just her not wanting it to go any further. I like Eric too.. I bet he is wishing he wasn't America's Player so he could play fully on his own. I know there are lots of people that say he is already doing that, but the fact is if America wasn't in control of his votes I don't think he would be suspected so earlier on in the game. I think his strategy would have gotten him further if he wasn't America's Player. I could be stating the obivious but that is what has been on my mind watching him play.

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might be fizzle but then shouldn't she be telling him? Or will she wait until after the show? Which brings me back to the playing part.

And I agree, we don't get it until we are much older and look above the neck line. Unfortunately it's almost too late then because we're hard of hearing.

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I think there is something between Eric and Jess. They're the same level of cute, you know. I think Erika & Booger have spoiled any BB romances for a few seasons though. No one wants to be the one played.

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only thing between eric and jess is jess using a sucker to get further in the game . jess final four easy

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It will never happen in the end. She will see the tapes and be disgusted with herself. She's already a little sketchy about him, but in general she thinks he's safe and fun so she hangs out with him. But out of the house when she learns the total truth, she will not give him the time of day. Things he's done...

1) Tried to get Jen to nominate her

2) Told Jen he won't be played by a stupid 21 yr old, referring to her

3) The countless time's he's lied to her (mostly when she straight up asks him about the AP votes)

So forget rooting for them to be sweethearts in the end, not going to happen.

What I think would be hilarious is if he won HOH, and America voted to have him nominate Jess, it will definately be over then, lol.

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Doesn't matter if it was an assignment, he did it and put it with everything else, bet she won't be happy. I like Jessica, unless she's with him (which is most of the time I grant you). I was fine with them, until he turned total scumbag...was only partial scumbag before then :P

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Hopefully Jess will see the tapes and run away from Eric and never

look back...... ;)

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this year isnt having no show romance stop trying to make it seem like eric and jess are having one

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If you didnt care you have a weird way of showing it by clicking on a thread and commenting in it.

I care because I think they are a cool couple and I want Jessica to win....Ofcourse I already asked the person who runs Jessicas myspace page if I could marry her, lol. :)

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If you didnt care you have a weird way of showing it by clicking on a thread and commenting in it.

no really... i dont care. and i clicked on the thread just so i could say... I DONT CARE

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