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I don't know if they have kissed, but the ticker on ShoToo is asying the Eric has requested 30 min of alone time with Jessica for romantic purposes. I don;t know who he requested it to, or whether she is in on it or not, but I guess we will see.

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This pairing strikes me as odd.....especially Eric..asking for alone time for an hour. what's up with that...if there was really something romantic going on my guess they wouldn't care ...who saw them kiss...

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I think they are absolutely adorable... but I don't believe that they have kissed. Eric obviously wants to but I don't think he wants to throw that out there in the house.... I don't think that he wants to come off as too touchy-feely. (Also, I've got to admit that he's a little geeky and falls into that whole stereotype of when the geek gets with the pretty girl he can't follow through). Tonight's episode was funny though when they showed the clip of Zach getting on Jess. Eric was soooooooooo obviously jealous!

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I think they are cute together. It seems though that Eric has a relationship in limbo outside of the house and he isnt sure where its heading. Perhaps he just doesnt want to do anything that completely oversteps any boundaries. Although if my boyfriend was on TV talking about getting married to another girl I think I would already be a little pissed!

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I don't find them cute, I find it very forced on Eric's part. He is trying just way to hard to be the best of the best who have ever been on BB. The best sneak, the best funny man, the best strategist, the best showmance, etc etc. Jess has her moments but she fills the role of the dingy blonde in this cast. With that voice, I find it hilarious and at the same time extremely sad that she entertains ideas of being a TV anchorwoman.

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I find them very cute together. The BB added noises and starry effects make me laugh. I don't think it's too far fetched to say that there isn't a mutual attraction.

i know a lot of "pretty people" who are attracted to the "smart people". For example, my husband is one of those uber-cool pretty people...and I'm a nerd. When we were dating he told me that he likes to talk Star Wars with me and it's fun that I let him "nerd out" (his words). I'm not a dog, mind you, but when we were first dating I often heard, "What's he doing with her?"

So the brainy guy in the house is getting the cute cheerleader. GOOD FOR HER. I don't think they will have a full on lip lock until sequester. Thanks to Booger, that is a big no-no.

It's always predictable in these reality shows that the "buff guy" hooks up with the "hot chick", hell, why do you think Jen, Danielle and Nick were even on this show? BB KNEW there would be problems involving either jealousy or a love-triangle. Duh!

I even bet there were a couple of producers who were actually hoping Jen and Dick would really hook-up and it would be really awkward...Dick to Danielle: Danielle, Jen and I are having a real relationship and she could be your new mommy. Now you two should start getting along." (how funny would that be).

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