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July 6th Live FISH Updates

Guest ranster627

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Ok everybody or also everybody just walk by the tank to go sit in the living room, Beau looks like he has a black jacket and white shirt on and is very animated, looks like he talks with his hands a lot. By the way the house is bright again. Another guy had a jersey on with the numbers I think 45 on it.

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Guest Margot

can you see that much up in that little corner of the fish tank???? I can maybe tell is someone walks by.

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Guest ranster627
ranster,  I don't know where to post this information.  If you look at the life feed in the upper left corner where the dark spot is... u can see the back of the orange living room couch and the eviction green chair.  I've been watching the live feed and watch people walk by and if coming from the kitchen they reflect there first then u can see them in the open spot at the far end of the tank... 

put this were u want... i didn't know... just thought others might find it interesting.

I put this here as a guide for our feed watchers trying to get the lay of the land through the tank!

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the lights look VERY bright right now 835BBT and fishies look like they are laying low today!!! or at least for now... no cam hoggers right now!!!

does anybody have the fish count?? i try but i always count their reflections too!!! hahah oops

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ya and i remember last year some lights stayed on so they can see their way to the bathroom at night b/c its pretty dark w/o them on!!! haha i remember staying up LATE at night just watching just in case people woke up and started talking!!! but it was funny to hear some snoring!!!

i think they are in there

squirrel...im gonna go count the fish and see what i come up with again

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At 11:45 am central time, I noticed the fish seemed a little agitated. They were swimming frantically around the tank and then the lights were dimming and then brightening and this went on for a while. Then I saw someone walk past the fish tank, twice. The lights dimmed and brightened a few more times and then I believe the person left. The lights went back to normal and the fish relaxed.

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Well for at least 45 minutes (12noon central till 12:45pm) I have seen many people passing by the fish tank. Can't tell who they are but lots of activity today. By the way, if you look up at the left hand top corner of that weird angled reflection, it seems you can see people sitting and people heads. Illusions, maybe, but somebody tell me what I am seeing!

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Guest ranster627
Please post ONLY Live Feed observations here! We need to keep pictures in Pictures Forum! Thanks for understanding ... if you post a picture here it will be quoted and moved ...

http://mortystv.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=22 to post pictures and screencaps

This thread is not for comments on the live feed coverage or discussion!

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Nothing much seems to be going on... The fish are chasing the food... haven't seen any HG's lately... It's 5:20 est... 2:20 BBT I think???

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I don't know if it was just me but it looked like someone was cleaning the inside of the tank. it looked like fingers in there. Threw me off for a second. anyone else see it or am I going crazy

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They just cleaned the cam in the tank!!! It freaked me out!! :shock:

Good I was not going crazy and the only one freaked out. I was really starting to wonder about me :wink:

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It looks like the camera was moved slightly to get rid of that glare (from the left side) to avoid seeing someone sitting in a chair. Oh well, 1 day to go

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