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America's Player - Tasks


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One thing I think would be nice is to have a running tally of how Eric is doing on his tasks. We haven
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I find it completely hysterical that Amber & Jameka are now coming down with symptoms similar to Eric's fake illness! lol

For the record I also think it was wrong of CBS to count Eric giving Jessica the silent treatment as a failed task as failed. He has to be angry with the way that America is voting anyway, but to go through all of that with Jess and not getting to give his opinion before veto and then it not even counting has to make him mad! They've counted things that he didn't work so hard on as complete :(

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silent treatment is what it is

he failed point bank

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I feel a bit bad cause it doesnt seem like he knew he failed right from the get go! I wonder what the specifics of the task were. If he just laid there in complete silence even if he truly was giving someone the silent treatment would be strange.

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I think he had permission to go talk to her right after he found out because he went in the storage room and told the producers he got through as quickly as he could.

He completely faked his footage 2 weeks before that when he went up to HoH to make it look like he was trying to get Kail out.

Production obviously got the reaction they wanted from Jessica the next morning when she was in the HoH room crying and pissed at Eric.

It was obvious for awhile that Eric was ignoring the tasks. I think he did this one which was obviously against his interest because he knows America has screwed his chances in the game and he wants the extra 10 grand before he gets voted out.

I think production's intent was to keep Eric from Jessica because if he was smart he would have told Jessica to make him the pawn because he knows that America is going to vote Dustin and he really wants Dick out.

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I'm not a Eric fan but I have to admit that some of the tasks he's

given has been on the stupid side.......JMHO

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I disagree that he should have gotten the $$$ for this task.........once explain to someone why you're not talking to them, it's not the "silent treatment"

I do agree that there are many other tasks he's completed half-a**ed or just taken credit for that he didn't instigate which he should have also lost.

The ones I think are dumb are the ones he's given that go along with what he wanted to do anyway........what's the point, then? He is not supposed to make the plays he wants, it's supposed to be our choice.

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Does anyone know if Eric is being paid to be America's Choice? Because he has to do as he is asked, and it might not be the way that he would normally play, it could hurt his chances of winning and cost him the money. I am wondering if he is being "subsidized." Does anyone know?

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Yes, he gets $10,000 for every 5 tasks that he completes. He hasn't completed all tasks, so it's not as though he's made a lot of money. In fact, the amount of money for what they're asking him to do is LAME and imo not worth it.

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The houseguests who played POV (which Eric hasn't done) had the opportunity of taking quite a bit of money, and trips. So, they have a chance to take money if they want it.

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Completed 8 - Amber being nominated is pending and will be 9 if Daniele nominates her today. Thursdays vote will be 10 if America's Choice is evicted.

So, so far he has 10,000.

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He is close to making it to 10 tasks. If he does, that is $20,000. I would gladly take 20K for 2 months work.....work meaning you got to have a summer vactaion again and sit by the pool and hot tub etc. Yes, he has had to try and do the misguided teenage hormonal requests of America, but he still has a had a better summer than most of us


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