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America's Player - Tasks


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I don't remember anything about a showmance, but I might have been catching a few zzzzz 's and missed it. For some reason I thought eric had only completed 4 things and hasn't gotten a dime yet.

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I thought the same thing MIssy. At first it was just to get someone nominated, then they changed it to that person had to be voted out. Like Jen being on the block doesnt count, cause of the PoV removal, which is BS I think.

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I assure you there was never a task to start a showmance... There was one to get into bed with someone... That was Joe... The sleepwalking one, but never a showmance... That was just something Julie used on Letterman to describe how the AP was going to work...

He has completed at least 6 and maybe 7 tasks so far...

Like Jen being on the block doesnt count, cause of the PoV removal, which is BS I think.

I have never heard that this has happened... I know they said the person he was trying to get evicted had to be evicted, but not that if the person he was trying to get nominated got off the block because of PoV that he didn't complete the task...

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Yana, I'm with you on thinking it counts if they get nominated, even if they win POV and are removed from the block. I even thought I heard/read that if they aren't originally nominated, but become the replacement nominee after the POV is used, that Eric gets credit for the nominee task.

Now I do remember hearing/reading(although I don't know from where lol) that even if he votes the way America says, he doesn't get credit for the task unless that person is actually evicted from the house.

And no 'showmance' task yet, just climbing into bed while pretending to sleepwalk, and this week going to someone to make a 'final 2' pact. If it was Julie saying it on Letterman, who knows if she really knew what the AP tasks were going to be?

Looking at summary spread sheet, here's the tally I see so far:

7/8 show - Pour your heart out - completed

7/10 show - Vote to evict Carol - completed

7/12 show - Nominate Jessica - failed

7/15 show - Sleepwalk into bed - failed

(BB claimed on the 7/17 show that Eric failed this task because Joe didn't wake up and confront Eric, something like that?)

7/17 show - Vote to evict Joe - completed

7/19 show - Nominate Jen - completed

7/22 show - Vandalize - completed

7/24 show - Vote to evict Kail - failed

7/26 show - Nominate Jen - completed

7/29 show - Start a catch phrase - failed?

(the 7/31 show had a scene with him starting to say it, but they said to complete the task he had to do something like have a HG say it each of the next 5 days, and they never said that he was successful?)

7/31 show - Vote to evict Kail - failed

8/2 show - Nominate Jen - completed

So that looks like 7 completed tasks, and 5 failed tasks

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I don't think he's gotten credit for the catch phrase one... that would make it 6 completed task, 4 not completed task, and 2 unknown...

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isn't that 7 completed, 4 failed, and 1 unknown?

They did say that he did not complete the sleepwalking task. I'm sketchy on the details, but I believe it was stated he had to get the person to wake up and kick him out of bed. Eric said he tried and Joe did stir around, but not enough to get credit for the task.

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I agree about the sleepwalking one... The reason I say 6,4,2 is because we don't know if he will get credit for the telling someone they are his F2 yet...

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Ok putting my old brain to work...might smoke it though..seems I remember on one of the live shows Julie asked Eric if he was to start a showmance, who would he want it to be with and he came of with a comment like anyone and everyone...since Fuskie does live recap maybe he knows...

Now see I've overloaded the cellssFun_explosive.gif

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During one of his "voting" sessions Julie asked Eric who he would do a showmance with and he answered he was up for anyone....America never voted on it. It was never an Americas Player Task.

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The whole AP rule book seems to be disputed constantly, where are the rules written in stone? Almost as if BB is keeping it vague so it can be amended to fit the greater need.

for example; Does he have a choice when voting or does he have a choice not nominate someone else?

and awaaaaaaaaaay we go

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I have updated the list... I am unclear on the nominations tasks so if anyone knows for sure I would love to know how that one works...

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I know we all have our opinions and speculations (do you have a source tvwatcher) but does anyone know where we can actually read the rules pertaining to AP?

And why is BB being so vague about the AP tasks (completed and not) and rules?

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know we all have our opinions and speculations but does anyone know where we can actually read the rules pertaining to AP?

And why is BB being so vague about the AP tasks (completed and not) and rules?

You can read the rules at cbs.com, but they are very vague also...

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I know we all have our opinions and speculations (do you have a source tvwatcher) but does anyone know where we can actually read the rules pertaining to AP?

And why is BB being so vague about the AP tasks (completed and not) and rules?


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No, I dont have a source. It just seems that they changed the rules from the first time from who do you want him to get 'nominated'. Then the next time it said that that person also had to get voted out. (that should have read not taken off the block, I got the two things confused)

I also dont remember a checkmark for Jen getting nominated when she used the PoV. I really dont feel like going back and watching the shows to check.

I think its a load of crap and I think CBS should have a tally sheet on their site (I believe Dade said this too) to make it clear.

I did read the rules and it only is about the voting rules, not his rules :(

I still think when he completes 5 they would at least tell us.. it doesnt make sense not to let us know he did 5 and made the cash.

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If Eric survives this week, I think its time for BB to reveal AP so he can stop being so sketchy to the other HG. Of course we will have to listen to him talk about it for days, but I'm willing to take the hit so the show can go back to being Big Brother rather than Nancy Drew.

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