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America's Choice Isn't America's Voice


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Last night on BBAD Amber was talking to Jam and she told her that Eric told

Dick that he had something on her.....that she (Amber) said she lied to her

boyfriend....Jam had to remind her that they were live on the internet....

Boy... all those drugs Amber has taken has sure messed her up....now Amber

herself has just told the whole world that she has lied to her BF and she said

it would really hurt him if he found out....Duhhhhhhh!!!!! :omg:

Maybe if Eric hadn't gone around telling people Amber had a secret it would never

been brought up but then again Amber is a blabber-mouth....

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and, as confusing as its been with everyone hearing things a tad bit differently, i thought amber had said she had come clean about this stuff to her boyfriend......so which is it, he already knows or he's hearing this for the first time now

and early in the show didnt she refer to this boyfriend as her EX boyfriend, but now he's become her boyfriend again

i must remind myself that amber's mouth wont let lies even come out

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Actually, Amber said that she already told her BF.. But that he would be really upset if Eric did use it against her and it got out on the internet.

Now that I think about it, that makes me think she MUST have told Eric at a time she believed the cameras were not on. Which is also probably why she only made vague reference to the story when talking to both Jameka and Dustin last night.

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nursie....Amber has said so many things that I don't think she knows ......

anyways....she and Jam were talking pretty low ......last night......Amber

went on and on......she even said Eric must go and then later we've got to

keep him......I swore to Eric I won't vote for him.....didn't she say that to

Nick......she's a mess......lol

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If America's Player had just been a straight "America's Vote" I think it would have generated interest and played out better. Instead of making one player make these screwy votes and do these lame tasks for money, just let America have one vote every week up to a certain point. That way they could use the money set aside for the one player to have more luxury comps, better sets for HoH and POV, better parties for the HG.

As it is, I think America's Player is the worst twist in idea and execution.

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I hate the AP twist, it is not working the way they told us it would. Doesn't help that Eric went from a seemingly good player, to a nasty, egocentric little weasel. I had high hopes for Eric and the AP twist.

I think the coup d'etat was a good twist, and even without using it, it did effect the game. I wish Booger didn't have it, but it benefitted Will, so it wasn't too bad. I also liked the Twin Twist. That took some serious thinking to pull off.

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My least favorite twist is definitely AP, I think it had potential but didn't turn out the way everyone hoped. I also would have liked it better if Eric had the choice to take America's input. My favorite was the secret room in S6 too I thought that was pretty cool. I also liked the secret pairs but it was definitely no fun once everyone found out about each other. Another least favorite was the brother sister combo in S5, I just thought that was strange, how'd bb even find out that they were bro and sis without them knowing. The rival thing is pretty lame. a. because the rivals are lame and B. because everyone didn't get one

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Amber and Jameka got Dustin to admit that everything they were saying about Eric was true. He did do all the things that Jen and Dick said. So then they agree it is all about the nubers and they need to keep him. Also he said if he gets HOH then he is putting up Dick and Daniele.

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i hated all of the DNA twists....it could have been better i guess if i had liked any of the DNA'ers i guess

i liked the premise of the coup detat...but much like an unused veto it turned out to be nothing because of the timing and who won it

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yeah Marty they will keep him just for the numbers.......I heard that too...

but this year theres been so much flip flopping.....Ambers bad for that! :naughty:

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Do you think Eric will fight for HOH Thursday? I'm not so sure.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out because Amber said last night a couple of times that she doesn't want HOH, but she will still fight for it :eyeroll:. Jameka can't get it. I really think Jessica, Amber and probably even Eric think they are okay and might throw the HOH comp. Especially since Eric HAS to put up who America chooses and he knows where America's votes are right now. That would leave Dustin/Dick/Zach, because Kail can't play, Daniele can't play. I heard Jen laughing to Kail, saying how she shouldn't get it either because she's in the best position in the house right now, since everyone wants each other out and someone will need her vote. :animated_scratchchin:

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I personally think they should bring the coup d'etat back but give it to America to use. Let us vote to overthrow the HOH, and instead of replacing their nominations, replace a houseguest with a player from a past season, making them truly America's Player.

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Do you think if Eric got HOH that we "America" would get to pick who

gets put up????? And if POV is used who goes up???? :animated_scratchchin:

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I would have liked the AP if we really got to use that person as a tool. Just pay the player big money and pull that player out of the game toward the end. Might save from having a double eviction.

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I didn't watch Season one but a couple of times.....did America vote the HGs off????

I think they did...I just don't remember.......Sorry I have "Old-timers" :kwasny:

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the good thing about 6 is that it had an awesome cast to save the dumb twists..

I think your point is excellent, sexy.

Dumb, lame twists have happened most years, but I don't think we've minded them as much, because we had casts that were generally interesting and likeable.

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